Posted 10 апреля 2023, 04:46

Published 10 апреля 2023, 04:46

Modified 10 апреля 2023, 06:45

Updated 10 апреля 2023, 06:45

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has halved the register of Russian radio electronics

The Ministry of Industry and Trade has halved the register of Russian radio electronics

10 апреля 2023, 04:46
The agency promises to expand the register, but the revaluation is delayed, and companies are deprived of the opportunity to participate in public procurement.

In April of this year, almost half of the electronics manufacturing companies were excluded from the register of electronic products by the Ministry of Industry and Trade. Now more than four thousand products remain in the register, whereas before April 1 there were more than 7.7 thousand of them. Such a reduction is due to the point system for determining the level of "domesticity" of radio electronics: after April 1, only those products that scored a sufficient number of points remained in the register, Kommersant reports: referring to the director of Promobit Maxim Koposov.

For each technological operation during production in Russia, the company receives points. When the required number is reached, the equipment is entered into the register. To obtain an act on the origin of products, you need to contact the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI), on the basis of which the Ministry of Industry and Trade makes a conclusion. Products from the register receive preferences in public procurement. Before April 1, in order to be included in the register, it was necessary that the cost of Russian components within a unit of production exceed the cost of foreign ones.

According to representatives of the Association of Developers and Manufacturers of Electronics, when extending the conclusions on the confirmation of the Russian origin of products, a number of their members faced the fact that the Ministry of Industry and Trade does not accept the conclusions of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Ministry of Industry and Trade reported that the CCI is considering more than 2,700 applications to confirm the production of products in Russia. Manufacturers are ready to work under the new rules, and the register will expand significantly, the Ministry of Industry and Trade added.

Electronics manufacturers point to the slow pace of updating the register of public procurement. Boris Ivanov, vice president of the company "Rikor Electronics" (whose products are not in the register), said that their application for inclusion in the register was submitted in advance, but is under consideration. Since the beginning of the year, all the company's products have been undergoing the procedure of extending the conclusions, now there are only three products that are at the final stage of consideration. They expect to receive conclusions on the extension in the near future.

Some Russian companies cannot supply their equipment to state customers, a source from a domestic electronics manufacturer said. In order for the company to participate in public procurement as a supplier of Russian equipment, the entry in the register must be current at the time of submitting an application for participation in the auction. The founder and chief designer of Aquarius, Alexander Kalinin, considers these problems to be technical: the registry should be expanded, and "everything is going to this," given the lack of a requirement for a domestic processor in technology. He does not consider the loss of large government orders to be a serious risk for companies that are not included in the register. Large tenders for the purchase of electronics, as a rule, are formed in the second half of the year, closer to August, and by this time the companies are likely to be included in the register.
