Posted 11 апреля 2023,, 11:36

Published 11 апреля 2023,, 11:36

Modified 11 апреля 2023,, 12:12

Updated 11 апреля 2023,, 12:12

A personal appearance of citizens may not be required for the initial military registration

A personal appearance of citizens may not be required for the initial military registration

11 апреля 2023, 11:36
For the initial military registration, a personal appearance of citizens in military commissariats may not be required. This is stated in the amendments developed for the introduction of the register of military service in the Russian Federation. For these purposes, it is planned to use GIS data and military enlistment offices.

"The initial registration of a citizen for military registration can be carried out without his personal appearance on the basis of information about citizens contained in the state information resource, other state information systems and information resources, as well as information provided by military commissariats and received in accordance with this federal law", - the document says (quoted by TASS).

The draft law provides for exceptions that apply to information about citizens undergoing military service, having military ranks of officers and being in the reserve of the SVR (External Intelligence Service) or the FSB of the Russian Federation.

"The Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Federal Tax Service, the CEC, federal courts, the Pension and Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation, medical organizations, educational and scientific organizations, the Ministry of Education, public authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation must provide information about citizens necessary for military registration in electronic form", - the Telegram channel notes "Before anyone else. Well, almost".

In addition, employers and universities will provide information about military service required for military registration through "State Services". As noted by TASS, the leadership of state agencies and organizations, responsible persons will notify employees of subpoenas and directions for military registration. The subjects of the Russian Federation will have the right to introduce additional measures to ensure attendance at military enlistment offices, including limiting benefits.

Amendments to the law on military duty and military service provide for the implementation of a set of measures. In particular, restrictions are provided for military service. So, after receiving the summons, they will not be able to leave the Russian Federation until they visit the military enlistment office. According to the text of the amendments, the summons will be sent to conscripts in writing and duplicated electronically. 7 days after the entry of the summons in the Register, it will be considered handed over even if the conscript did not receive it.

It is noted that data representing a state or legally protected secret will not be entered into the register of military registration. At the same time, it will include data on the driver's license, TIN, phone number.