In Saratov, the military commissar was caught on a large bribe

In Saratov, the military commissar was caught on a large bribe

11 апреля 2023, 15:53
The Saratov Regional Court arrested Oleg Sadomov, the military commissar of the Kirov, Volzhsky and Frunzensky districts of Saratov, for two months. He is suspected of receiving a large bribe.

He will remain in jail until May 27, according to the court's decision, which is referred to by RIA Novosti.

The defense initially planned to appeal this decision, but later withdrew the appeal.

The military commissar is accused under Article 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation for receiving a large bribe. He faces up to 12 years in prison.

It's worth reminding that in December last year, Colonel Ivan Deadishchev, who was responsible for conscription in the main organizational and mobilization Directorate of the General Staff (GOMA GSH) of the armed forces, was accused of taking a bribe with a Bosch washing machine. A bribe with a washing machine was given to him by one of the military commissars of the capital in exchange for loyalty during an official check.

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