Posted 11 апреля 2023,, 09:08

Published 11 апреля 2023,, 09:08

Modified 11 апреля 2023,, 09:26

Updated 11 апреля 2023,, 09:26

The EU does not expect the opening of the airspace of Russia and Ukraine until 2029

The EU does not expect the opening of the airspace of Russia and Ukraine until 2029

11 апреля 2023, 09:08
The European Organization for the Safety of Air Navigation (Eurocontrol) assumes that the airspace of Russia and Ukraine will be closed for flights to Europe at least until 2029. This is stated on the organization's website.

"Currently, we assume that the airspace of Ukraine and Russia remains closed until the end of the planning horizon (2029)", - Eurocontrol said in a statement (quoted by TASS).

The organization noted a reduction in the volume of flights to Northern Europe from Asia, which is associated with the redirection of routes through the airspace of Southeastern countries. Experts added that the industry is at the stage of recovery after the pandemic.

After the start of the special operation, many Western countries closed the airspace for Russian aviation. In response, Moscow closed the skies of the Russian Federation to airlines from 36 countries, which led to the need to lay new routes.