Vladimir Putin announced minimal unemployment and a shortage of workers

Vladimir Putin announced minimal unemployment and a shortage of workers

11 апреля 2023, 18:09
Russian President Vladimir Putin (pictured) at a meeting with the government on economic issues announced the active growth of the Russian economy. According to the head of state, economic activity in the country will continue to grow. At the same time, there are not enough workers in many areas.

"One of the key issues today is overcoming the shortage of personnel... Against the background of all the difficulties of the past year, domestic enterprises avoided mass layoffs of employees, retained collectives. Now the situation is fundamentally different. Taking into account the historically minimal unemployment in the country as a whole at 3.5%, there are simply not enough workers in many areas", - Putin said during the meeting (quoted by RIA Novosti).

The Russian leader proposed to direct efforts to address the personnel shortage in the country. In particular, he called for using the human resources potential of regions and localities with high unemployment. It is also necessary to introduce lean manufacturing and automation technologies in all sectors of the economy and the social sphere. The third task set by the President was to build up the investment fund to train specialists in the most important areas. He stressed that "it is especially important to support short-term programs", thanks to which it is possible to acquire new knowledge and change professions.

In mid-March, the President of the Russian Federation announced a personnel shortage at the defense industry enterprises, which creates problems with the implementation of state defense orders. To attract new employees, he proposed to raise salaries and provide a number of benefits.

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