Posted 13 апреля 2023, 12:13

Published 13 апреля 2023, 12:13

Modified 13 апреля 2023, 12:47

Updated 13 апреля 2023, 12:47

Bali authorities deport a Russian woman for a nude photo on the background of a sacred eucalyptus

Bali authorities deport a Russian woman for a nude photo on the background of a sacred eucalyptus

13 апреля 2023, 12:13
A Russian woman is being deported from Bali for a nude photo against a background of eucalyptus, which is considered sacred by locals. According to the Detik portal, Indonesian law enforcement officers arrested a Russian citizen on April 12.

"After the completion of all procedures, the interested person (a Russian woman) must purchase a return ticket [to Russia]", - the portal quotes the head of the immigration department of the Ministry of Justice of Bali, Barron Ichsan (quoted by TASS).

Earlier, the island authorities deported a Russian who decided to take a picture on the sacred mount Agung with his pants down. The police detained and interrogated the violator. The apologies made and even the "purification ritual" in front of the mountain did not help the blogger avoid punishment — deportation.