Posted 13 апреля 2023,, 15:55

Published 13 апреля 2023,, 15:55

Modified 13 апреля 2023,, 16:40

Updated 13 апреля 2023,, 16:40

MiG-31 was lifted into the sky because of a Norwegian patrol plane appearance in the Barents Sea

MiG-31 was lifted into the sky because of a Norwegian patrol plane appearance in the Barents Sea

13 апреля 2023, 15:55
The Russian MiG-31 escorted a Poseidon patrol aircraft of the Norwegian Air Force over the Barents Sea. This is reported by the Russian Defense Ministry.

The report notes that on Thursday, April 13, Russian airspace controls recorded an approaching target to the Russian border.

"In order to identify an aerial target and prevent violations of the Russian border, a fighter was lifted into the air", - the defense ministry said in a statement.

The Russian MiG-31 identified the Norwegian aircraft, after which the vessel of a foreign state turned around. Violations of the country's border by a foreign plane were not allowed. After the Norwegian patrol plane turned around, the Russian MiG-31 returned to its home airfield.

The Defense ministry added that the Russian plane lifted into the sky acted in accordance with international rules. He did not cross the air routes, and also did not allow the approach to the Norwegian plane at a dangerous distance.

The Norwegian Defense Ministry has not yet commented on the incident.

Recall that the day before, a Russian Su-27 fighter jet was lifted into the sky after a German patrol plane was spotted over the Baltic Sea. The vessel also did not violate the Russian border.