Posted 14 апреля 2023,, 07:57

Published 14 апреля 2023,, 07:57

Modified 14 апреля 2023,, 08:20

Updated 14 апреля 2023,, 08:20

Germany and Poland blocked access to Medvedev's post about the uselessness of Ukraine

Germany and Poland blocked access to Medvedev's post about the uselessness of Ukraine

14 апреля 2023, 07:57
The authorities of Germany and Poland have restricted access to the tweet of the Deputy chairman of the Russian Security Council Dmitry Medvedev concerning the future of Ukraine. In his publication, Dmitry Medvedev talked about who needs this country.

"The tweet was hidden in Germany and Poland, according to local legislation", - the social network said in a statement.

Oleg Osipov, assistant to the Deputy Chairman of the Security Council, commented on the news about the blocking of the publication to RIA Novosti. He noted that this decision will not remain unanswered.

It's worth reminding that on April 8, Dmitry Medvedev published his thoughts on who needs Ukraine in the world. He called the Ukrainian state a "misunderstanding" that was generated by the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the publication, he notes that the Europeans do not need Ukraine, who today suffer from increased tariffs and the flow of Ukrainian migrants. The USA does not need Ukraine either. Ordinary Americans don't even know where this country is. Individual political leaders of the United States are being promoted on the Ukrainian conflict, Dmitry Medvedev believes.

Ukraine is also not needed by Africa, Latin America, or Asia. The states on these continents see the example of Ukraine, "how color technologies are being worked out to eliminate the largest competing powers," and understand "what scenario, in case of disobedience, the collective West, led by America, has prepared for them".

Ukraine and Russia do not need it. "The pieces of Russia called Ukraine within the borders of 1991 are just a misunderstanding generated by the collapse of the USSR. And that's why we don't need nedukraina. We need a Big, Great Russia", - Dmitry Medvedev wrote.

Finally, he noted that Ukraine in its current guise is not needed by the Ukrainians themselves.

"Because of the criminal ambitions of the ruling group, Ukrainians are forced to live in constant anxiety and fear. They are forced to beg, abandoning their habitable homes and farms. They are forced to wander in search of a better life across countries and continents. And all for the sake of a murky European perspective," Dmitry Medvedev explained.

Summing up, the deputy chairman of the Security Council noted that such a Ukraine turns out that no one needs it. "That is why it will not be", - Dmitry Medvedev said.