Posted 14 апреля 2023,, 05:16

Published 14 апреля 2023,, 05:16

Modified 14 апреля 2023,, 06:17

Updated 14 апреля 2023,, 06:17

Roskomnadzor reported on the blocking of 3.5 thousand "mirrors" of foreign media sites

Roskomnadzor reported on the blocking of 3.5 thousand "mirrors" of foreign media sites

14 апреля 2023, 05:16
Pirated video services remain one of the main categories of resources distributing anti-Russian materials.

Roskomnadzor has blocked about 3.5 thousand "mirrors" of media sites that were previously recognized as foreign agents by the Ministry of Justice. It is noted that Radio Liberty projects* account for the bulk of the blocked resources, about three thousand of them.

Representatives of Roskomnadzor reported that the time elapsing from the detection of a "mirror" site to its blocking is about three hours. According to the agency, about 100 "mirrors" of the BBC Russian Service and 40 resources of the German government media Deutsche Welle* (also recognized as foreign agents) were blocked. In particular, the sites of Mediazon* (recognized as a foreign agent) were blocked 127 times, "Important Stories" (the founder of the publication IStories fonds* is included in the register of undesirable organizations and also recognized as a foreign agent) - 56 times, "Paper" - 41 times, "Agency.Media" - 89 times, The Insider* (recognized as a foreign agent) - 25 times, Meduza* (recognized as a foreign agent and an undesirable organization) - 10 times.

Representatives of Roskomnadzor noted that large "anti-Russian resources" create new "mirrors" about once a day. For this, it is claimed, hosting companies owned by American Cloudflare, Amazon or Google are mainly used.

In mid-March, the RCN restricted access to 36 portals in connection with fraud with the "Pushkin Card". The blocking was made at the request of the Prosecutor General's Office. Before that, we recall that Rosfinmonitoring employees exposed a criminal group that stole more than 100 million rubles from the budget through fake lists of participants in the Pushkin Map project. Later it was reported about the damage of more than 200 million rubles caused by three defendants who used fake cards and deceived employees of the Ministry of Culture and the bank with their help.

*foreign agent