The incident happened on the night of April 17. Telegram-channel SHOT writes that, according to preliminary data, the cause of the fire was a Ukrainian UAV that fell in the area of the thermal power plant.
Part of Belgorod was left without electricity. Earlier it was reported about the work of the air defense.
Gladkov wrote in his TG channel that there were two fires at civilian facilities in the regional capital and the Belgorod region. There are no casualties. At 00:15 Moscow time, the fires were eliminated.
The day before, Gladkov reported the shelling of the village of Terezovka in the Shebekinsky city district. One of the shells pierced the roof of a residential building, damaged walls and furniture in two rooms. On Easter, the border village of Mukhin in the Shebekinsky gorokrug also came under fire — residents of the settlement received notifications with a request to go to shelter.