Posted 23 июня 2023, 13:20

Published 23 июня 2023, 13:20

Modified 23 июня 2023, 13:44

Updated 23 июня 2023, 13:44

Since May 5, almost 90 Belgorod enterprises have suffered from shelling

Since May 5, almost 90 Belgorod enterprises have suffered from shelling

23 июня 2023, 13:20
89 enterprises, including 11 large ones, have been affected by shelling from Ukraine since May 5 in the Belgorod region.

This is reported by Interfax with reference to the data of the deputy governor of the region Dmitry Gladsky.

«I'm not sure that this list is complete. It is quite possible that we will receive information supplementing this register», — the news agency quotes the official as saying.

According to the authorities, the affected enterprises have been stopped. Employees continue to be paid salaries, some particularly valuable personnel — even with a 20% surcharge.

It will take time to restore production facilities, the terms of work are different. The authorities hope that some of the affected plants will be able to return to work within one to two months. It is possible that by the end of the year, most of the affected enterprises will be able to resume production in the same volume.

The Shebekinsky district was particularly badly affected. The most serious damage was caused to the premix plant No. 1, which produces about 60% of lysine in the country.

Recall that due to the shelling in 15 border areas of the region, an emergency regime was introduced.
