State Duma is going to suspend the driver's license for dangerous driving

State Duma is going to suspend the driver's license for dangerous driving

6 июля 2023, 07:15
The deputies proposed to update the Article 23.1 of Part 1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation with a new chapter 12.18 on liability for intentional dangerous (aggressive) driving.

Deputies from the Liberal Democratic Party plan to introduce The State Duma has a bill providing for the establishment of a fine in the amount of 5 thousand rubles and the deprivation of a driver's license for intentional dangerous driving on the road. This was announced by the head of the Duma Labor Committee Yaroslav Nilov in his Telegram channel.

According to the explanatory materials, the bill proposes to amend Article 23.1 of Part 1 of the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation in the form of a new chapter 12.18, which will provide for administrative liability for intentional dangerous (aggressive) driving and a fine of 5 thousand rubles.

In addition, the text of the bill states that repeated violation will entail a fine of 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles or deprivation of a driver's license for up to one year.

The initiators of the bill are sure that about 80% of road accidents occur due to dangerous driving and indifference to other drivers. Deputies also note that in order to bring the driver to administrative responsibility, evidence in the form of photo or video recordings is needed.

At the moment, the legislation does not provide for administrative liability for dangerous driving.

In April, we recall that the bill on the introduction of a fine of 5 thousand rubles for dangerous driving was rejected by a Special Commission of the State Duma. At the first reading, the draft was adopted back in January 2017, but five years later, parliamentarians decided that the term «dangerous driving» was too vague and ambiguous. Due to the need for «complex processing», the project was removed from the agenda, but the idea of imposing sanctions on aggressive drivers was not rejected

In addition, the authorities propose to increase fines for non-admission of gas workers to Russian apartments to 10 thousand rubles. The corresponding bill is planned to be submitted to the lower house of Parliament in the near future.

#Road #Fine #Deputies #Drivers #Driving license #Driving #LDPR #Administrative Code #The State Duma #Driver's license #Society