Posted 11 июля 2023, 07:02

Published 11 июля 2023, 07:02

Modified 11 июля 2023, 07:35

Updated 11 июля 2023, 07:35

In the Perm Region, 22 tourists, including 11 children, disappeared while rafting on the river

In the Perm Region, 22 tourists, including 11 children, disappeared while rafting on the river

11 июля 2023, 07:02
According to Telegram channels, a group of 22 tourists, including 11 children, disappeared in the Perm Region. They were rafting on the Usva River and were supposed to get in touch on July 9, but there was no news from them after the start of the rafting.

«The participants did not register themselves as a tourist group and went on a 175 km long rafting trip. The day before yesterday, tourists were supposed to arrive in the village of Srednyaya Usva and get in touch, but no one has seen them yet», — Shot reports.

Relatives of tourists have contacted the emergency services for help and are trying to find any information about their loved ones. According to Ural Mash, a search operation has been organized, in which rescuers and police officers participate.

Information about the disappearance of a group of tourists was confirmed by TASS in the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

«We confirm the fact. So far we have only information from the applicant, since the group was not registered, we do not have all the necessary information for the search, so now everything is being clarified and a search is being carried out in parallel», — explained the situation in the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
