Posted 14 июля 2023, 15:03

Published 14 июля 2023, 15:03

Modified 14 июля 2023, 16:35

Updated 14 июля 2023, 16:35

After the depleted uranium leak in the Urals, 24 people were hospitalized

After the depleted uranium leak in the Urals, 24 people were hospitalized

14 июля 2023, 15:03
At the Ural Electrochemical Plant subordinated to Rosatom, where an emergency depressurization of a cylinder with uranium hexafluoride occurred and a person died, 24 workers needed medical assistance.

According to Interfax, now the injured employees of the plant are being examined by doctors of the Central Medical and Sanitary Unit No. 31 of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency (FMBA) of Russia.

«Their condition is assessed as satisfactory, » the report says.

According to the FMBA, the cause of death of one employee was a «mechanical injury».

The agency noted that the emergency is of a local nature. Radiological control is being conducted at the plant where the accident occurred.

«There are no threats of overexposure of the population, chemical contamination of the territory, radioactive and chemical contamination of environmental objects, » the FMBA reported.

Earlier it became known that for unknown reasons, the tightness of a cylinder with depleted uranium hexafluoride with a volume of one cubic meter was violated at the UECC. Rosatom indicated that the radioactivity of uranium hexafluoride is 1.7 times lower than that of natural uranium. The excess of the radiation background at the enterprise was not recorded. UECC continues to function normally.
