Cars started moving along the right lane of the Crimean Bridge (VIDEO)

Cars started moving along the right lane of the Crimean Bridge (VIDEO)

18 июля 2023, 07:19
Before that, diagnostics of superstructure structures was carried out.

The movement of passenger cars opened in reverse mode on one lane of the Crimean Bridge, said Deputy Prime Minister of Russia Marat Khusnullin. Transport is moving in the extreme right lane of the Taman-Kerch direction. The facility was prepared for launch «as soon as possible».

A temporary scheme for the organization of traffic on the bridge has been developed, diagnostics of superstructure structures has been carried out. She confirmed that the condition of the structures allows you to start the movement. Before the opening of the movement, the span was additionally tested.

In addition, lighting was organized on the damaged spans of the bridge according to a temporary scheme. During the repair work, the lighting will be completely restored.

Recall that Ukraine's attack on the Crimean Bridge became known on the morning of July 17. The Ukrainian side committed a terrorist attack, the result of which was not only damage to the canvas on the bridge, but also the death of peaceful citizens — spouses. Their 14-year-old daughter was in intensive care. As a result of the terrorist attack on the road part, one of the superstructures located in the direction of Taman was completely destroyed and cannot be restored. In addition, another span, located on the second side, in the direction of Kerch, was damaged, resulting in an axial displacement of 70-80 cm. However, in general, this span is supported.

The day before, Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened Kiev with retaliation for the terrorist attack on the Crimean Bridge. Today, an air alert was declared in a number of Ukrainian regions, and in Odessa and Explosions thundered in Mykolaiv. And in In Mykolaiv, a fire started at a city facility as a result of an explosion.

#Terrorist attack #Road #Crimean bridge #Russia #Ukraine #Cars #Видео #Society