Posted 19 июля 2023, 07:29

Published 19 июля 2023, 07:29

Modified 19 июля 2023, 08:48

Updated 19 июля 2023, 08:48

The head of the Ministry of Health Murashko was harshly answered — should «a woman give birth» or work

The head of the Ministry of Health Murashko was harshly answered — should «a woman give birth» or work

19 июля 2023, 07:29
Health Minister Mikhail Murashko called the desire of women to build a career before having children a vicious practice. Experts called Murashko's speech a complete failure — social, bureaucratic, political.

Ekaterina Maksimova

Murshko called the fact that Russians do not want to give birth to children until they get back on their feet «a completely vicious practice»

«It is a completely vicious practice that has formed in society — I spoke about it yesterday — when the conviction was formed that a woman should get an education, then make a career, then provide herself with a material base and only after that, already approaching, so to speak, such a difficult reproductive age, take care of childbearing. What is the result? There are additional problems in the form of infertility, miscarriage», — Murashko said at a plenary session in the State Duma (quoted by RIA Novosti).

The minister's speech did not go unnoticed and caused a sharp reaction in society.

Former Minister of Economy of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor Andrey Nechaev noted: «The difficult demographic situation seems to have seriously concerned the Russian authorities. However, strange actions followed. It was decided to limit the sale of medicines for medical termination of pregnancy (read — there will be more surgical abortions). And the Minister of Health of the Russian Federation Murashko generally called „a vicious practice“ the desire of women to build a career, postponing childbirth for later.»

Professor Igor Lipsits adds: «Statesmanship in But in Central Asia now customs are much more progressive than Russian ministers suggest: the presence of higher education significantly increases the cost of the bride in the marriage market».

Military volunteer Roman Alekhine wrote in his tg-canadle that Murashko as a speaker, of course, is as axed as possible. And he asks questions: who prepares texts for officials and who formed the meanings for such a speech?

«Are there really no people left in power who understand the Russian people and their current aspirations? Well, all right, crowbars, but the sovereign's employees, especially at this level, must calculate how society will understand the meaning of every word and every phrase. What did Vladimir Putin say at a personal meeting with Murashko that he made him jump straight out of the fire and into the flames? Oh, the fuss has gone to the field of traditional values. We are waiting for a lot of loud statements and blunders at every level of government and what is popularly called „changing shoes“, and much of this will look very tragicomic for professional research, » Alekhine said.

Political scientist Alina Gestovskaya advised the minister to start not with strange statements, but with the education of Russian officials themselves.

«I dare say that in my environment, two, three or more children are raised by women who have built a confident career and managed to guarantee themselves and their offspring a certain standard of living. And if we want to return to the roots and origins at the level of a separate ministry, then let's start work on fostering diligence and responsibility. For example, the responsibility of officials for the phrases they uttered in relation to specific life situations of citizens, » Alina Gestivovskaya noted.

Recall that such «phrases» have accumulated a lot. It is enough to recall the Saratov Minister of Labor, who believes that a family can live on 3,500 rubles a month and «eat pasta». The Ural official Olga Glatskikh, heading the Department of youth policy of the Sverdlovsk region, generally stated that the state owes nothing to young people and «did not ask them to give birth.»

Lawyer Alexey Pryanishnikov also noted the gap between the authorities and the Russians.

«What is characteristic is that all this house-building with its „a woman should give birth“ is pushed by people who are clearly not supporters of the ideas they are pushing, both in appearance and in their own way of life. Murashko is indignant that because of her career, a woman does not have time for the birth of a third and fourth child. And Google how many children Murashko himself has, » Pryashnikov wrote.

Murashko, we recall, has two sons.

«It's like Murashko doesn't understand what country he lives in. Agree with Murashko, absolutely Russian women are awesome. They want to get on their feet and realize themselves in a country where their husband can be taken to the front at any time, and there are only enough benefits for diapers and food. The state, you see, has created all conditions for women to give birth — a shortage of schools and kindergartens in cities, uncertainty about the future, rising prices, crime and militarism. And they don't want to raise the demographics of the Motherland. How to write reports to the president?», — the authors of the TG channel «Russian Decadence» ironically answered the head of the Ministry of Health.

Political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov gave advice to the head of the Ministry of Health:

«There are two ways to improve demographics. The first is social: to increase the birth rate. The second is political: to reduce male mortality in hot spots. The Ministry of Health insists that the first way is easier.»

According to Rosstat, in January–May, the birth rate in Russia decreased by 2,2% year-on-year. In the first five months of the year, 511.7 thousand newborns were born against 523.2 thousand for the same period last year.

In March, Rosstat presented the results of a selective observation of the reproductive plans of the population in 2022, which is carried out once every five years. The Rosstat study showed that almost 72% of Russians wanted to have one or two children. In five years, the number of women who would like to become mothers with many children has decreased. The reason is the quality of life.

The head of the Ministry of Health, before speaking in the State Duma, previously stated that the department he heads intends to tighten control over the circulation of drugs for termination of pregnancy. According to the minister, drugs used for medical abortion should be strictly controlled in medical organizations and pharmacies.
