Posted 21 июля 2023, 16:24

Published 21 июля 2023, 16:24

Modified 21 июля 2023, 17:43

Updated 21 июля 2023, 17:43

The story of the excellent student: why did the Kuban State University expel Maxim Belomytsev?

The story of the excellent student: why did the Kuban State University expel Maxim Belomytsev?

21 июля 2023, 16:24
The third-year student of the Faculty of Architecture and Design, the headman and the excellent student Maxim Belomytsev was unilaterally expelled from the Kuban State University for «immoral behavior». The chairman of the university ethics commission wrote a memo to him. The event was also preceded by a denunciation in the local media.

Julia Suntsova

As the student said, the librarian called him the other day and asked him to hand over his textbooks — in such a strange way he found out about his expulsion.

The decision was made by the ethics commission on June 23 of this year, referring to the «indecent behavior of the student.»

At the same time, the student was not informed about the appointment of the commission, the opportunity to participate in it was not provided. Although earlier, during the years of study, there were no problems in communication between him and the dean's office, since Maxim was the headman and almost daily brought up-to-date information from the faculty management to fellow students.

— No one warned me about this [expulsion] and no one informed me, keeping it secret for several days from the day of my expulsion. They were expelled without my presence at the commission and during my illness, » Maxim said.

After learning about the expulsion from the university, the young man initiated a conversation with the dean.

He asked the dean about the reasons for his expulsion, to which, according to him, he was answered with something vague about «immoral behavior.»

— The dean replied with something crumpled, saying that students approach her and complain about my immoral behavior at the university, show social networks, say that this is absolutely unacceptable.

At the same time, the expulsion order says that the student was expelled for «unacceptable behavior for the student in public space, » and the expulsion order was drawn up «taking into account the defiant nature of the actions committed.»

An important detail: the formal (and maybe real) reason for the expulsion was the memo of the chairman of the ethics of the Kuban State University. In the order itself, the surname of the person who submitted the note is shamefully not indicated, but, according to data from the official website, it is Nikolay Redkin, vice-rector for educational Work and Social Issues, a lawyer.

We asked Nikolai Redkin what feelings he feels about the fact that he had to write a memo to an excellent student? The Chairman of the ethics commission read our message, but chose to remain ethically silent.

Maxim does not believe in the version of denunciation by students. He assures that he had no quarrels with the guys at the university — on the contrary, for many he was an authority, often helped fellow students solve problems with studies and teachers. Actually, the position of the head of the group itself is elective.

Maxim Belomycev believes that the true reason for his expulsion could be two protocols drawn up against him by the police for his activity in social networks.

He said that on June 16, police detained him at the entrance of his own house, took him to the police station and asked him to give explanations about two posts on social networks. They saw in them the alleged discrediting of the Russian army and the propaganda of gender reassignment.

The young man is now preparing to appear in the courts: he does not agree with the fact of the occurrence of administrative cases and will provide evidence that he did not commit the offenses imputed to him. The dates of the meetings have not yet been set, but the university's management has already «reinsured».

Shortly before the appearance of the police protocols, the local newspaper «Zhivaya Kuban» also released a slander about the student, where it allowed itself to make biased statements about the appearance of a young man, and also condemned his position on his own.

Maxim Belomycev led a beauty blog in a closed account. He claims that he has never appeared with makeup or in artistic images in the walls of the university. I only shot video reviews on cosmetics and posted them on my closed channel, and the videos were available only to a limited number of subscribers. After a journalist of the Krasnodar mass media got into their number, a publication of a slanderous nature appeared. So the student's hobby became public.

Let's add from ourselves — and what is the «corporate culture of the university» in general? What other functions, besides discrimination of students by appearance, does it perform?

Since when have ethics commissions become a punitive body that «cancels» students for the slightest differences?

According to the logic of the state institution, then it is urgently necessary to cancel circus, ballet, cinema artists, some leading entertainment shows on federal channels — their makeup is sometimes much more provocative…

— I did not promote any gender change. I believe that the reason for the expulsion was personal hostility to me because of my outstanding appearance and a homophobic article that the yellow press wrote about me. Apparently, the university administration was frightened by the hypothetical reaction of hypothetical people: how can such a person study at their university! — Maxim commented.

The student stated that initially, because of the emotions that overwhelmed him, he signed the entire pile of papers for expulsion, which was handed to him by the dean's office. But now, having recovered, he is going to seek justice — to challenge the expulsion order and recover.

— Although I can't imagine how I will study in the future within the walls of this university, among people who stuck a knife in my back, and among those who treat me so homophobically, — says Maxim.

Novye Izvestia sent information requests to the Kuban State University and to The Ministry of Science of Higher Education of the Russian Federation (the founder of the university) with a request to express its position on the expulsion of student Maxim Dmitrievich Belomytsev.

«We have already expressed our position more than once, wherever we could, » a representative of the press service of the Kuban State University briefly commented on NI by phone.

Earlier, the chairman of the ethics Commission, Vice-rector for Educational Work and Social Affairs Nikolay Redkin, who is already known to us, told the publication " <url>»:

«The management of the faculty has repeatedly drawn his attention to the need to meet the requirements of corporate culture regarding the appearance of the student.»

On the contrary, the Administration of KubGU also sent screenshots of posts from Maxim's account to the editorial office of <url> and demanded to give a written report on whether the portal approves such posts.

«Taking into account the norms of the current legislation that defends the interests of the Russian Federation, including its territorial integrity, the requirements of local regulations of the university, we consider the decision taken to be the only correct one, » the editorial board quotes the response of the university administration.

Novye Izvestia also received a rather formal response from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation:

«Since you are applying to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education as an organization, in order to register an application, you must send an official letter (with attachments) on the organization's letterhead with the outgoing number, date, signature of an authorized person.»

However, after completing all the bureaucratic formalities, there was no substantive response from the Ministry.


The story of Maxim Belomytsev, whose life was ruined by grown ups, by denunciation, without trial and without any legal grounds, is absolutely egregious. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation- are you definitely not aware of this lawlessness there? Don't you need excellent students?.. And the gentlemen from the administration of the Krasnodar Territory — are you sleeping peacefully? Nothing worries about the fate of a guy who was just innocently fooling around on social networks? After all, he did not steal anything, did not kill anyone, did not rob, did not insult, and did not even mock the bright image of Cheburashka… It's time, it's time, to take action and correct the monstrous situation with the expulsion of a student from a university.
