Posted 30 июля 2023, 12:37

Published 30 июля 2023, 12:37

Modified 31 июля 2023, 07:48

Updated 31 июля 2023, 07:48

The President and large families: what remains beyond the meeting in the Kremlin

The President and large families: what remains beyond the meeting in the Kremlin

30 июля 2023, 12:37
On July 29, the president held an online meeting with Russian large families, holders of the Order of Parental Glory. The broadcast was held in the format of a video conference. Topical issues — postponement from conscription to the zone of the fathers of large families and material support for large families remained behind the scenes…

Irina Mishina

Due to the meeting with the leaders of African states, the president was unable to attend the reception of large families in the Kremlin. Everything was held in the format of a video conference. «Work is work, you will excuse me that our meeting never took place, but I am nevertheless very glad that you are in Moscow, and I want to say that families like yours are the pride of our country», — the Russian leader said.

Moscow exhibitions — the main thing that worries large families?

In the telegram channel of the former children's ombudsman, now Deputy Speaker of the State Duma Anna Kuznetsova, a record of this meeting appeared. Here, in particular, is what Ms. Kuznetsova wrote:

«Today, every fifth child in the country is from a large family, the number of large families and the number of children in large families has grown. Thanks to such a consistent position, I am sure it will be possible to rebuild and adjust a lot more. And there is still a lot of work to do, we need to support families in the birth of each subsequent child, we need to set up infrastructure, but without setting priorities — nowhere.»

In principle, the online meeting was held in the already traditional format. The children told about their impressions of visiting Moscow, the president asked about their dreams and spoke about the importance of supporting traditional family values. We contacted a member of the Committee on Family, Women and Children of the State Duma, United Russia Tatyana Butskaya, who told us about the details of the meeting.

«Although the meeting was online, it turned out to be very warm and sincere. The children told who was interested in what, where they were going to enroll. One girl said that she had an unfulfilled desire — to shake hands with the president. Everyone was able to feel how much the president is his own, native, » Tatiana Butskaya told NI.

We asked if the issue of postponement of fathers of families with 3 children from ITS and financial support for large families. «Questions about They did not ask about the measures to support large families, they also did not ask, the format of the meeting did not provide for this. It was just a heart-to-heart conversation. The impression remained that the president understands everything that families need, » Tatiana Butskaya explained.

There is still one question. Did the large families of Russia, who, apparently, were represented by those gathered in the Kremlin, have no other pressing problems to discuss, except for the sights of Moscow?

But there are a lot of problems related to the support of motherhood and children.

Let's start with the fact that, according to Rosstat, in January–May, the birth rate in Russia declined by 2,2% year-on-year. In the first five months of the year, 511.7 thousand newborns were born against 523.2 thousand for the same period last year. Although the Minister of Health Murashko urges women not to build a career, but first of all to give birth, Russian women seem to have little mood for this. Why?

«It's like Murashko doesn't understand what country he lives in. Agree with Murashko, absolutely Russian women are awesome. They want to get on their feet and realize themselves in a country where their husband can be taken to the front at any time, and there are only enough benefits for diapers and food. The state, you see, has created all conditions for women to give birth — a shortage of schools and kindergartens in cities, uncertainty about the future, rising prices, crime and militarism. And they don't want to raise the demographics of the Motherland. How to write reports to the president?», — the authors of the TG channel «Russian Decadence» ironically replied to the head of the Ministry of Health.

Political scientist Mikhail Vinogradov gave advice to politicians in this regard:

«There are two ways to improve demographics. The first is social: to increase the birth rate. The second is political: to reduce male mortality in hot spots. The Ministry of Health insists that the first way is easier.»

Will the fathers of the stirrup families be called to the zone with children and disabled children?

The resonant issue of postponing the draft of fathers of families with three children and disabled children remained outside the framework of the President's meeting with large families. As you know, not so long ago a heated discussion broke out in the State Duma after Deputy Nina Ostanina proposed to exempt fathers of families with 3 children and fathers of families in which a disabled child is being raised from conscription. The United Russia deputy, the head of the defense committee, General Kartapolov, went so far as to call the deputy Ostanina, who amended the draft law, «the defender of the draft dodgers.» As you know, we are talking about only 15 thousand people. According to the Ministry of Labor, 3,054 people who have a dependent disabled child, as well as 12 thousand 264 people who have been dependent on disabled people since childhood, fall into the new draft age. Back in the autumn of last year, the Duma entered into the situation of large families and adopted an amendment according to which fathers of families who depend on three or more children are exempt from mobilization. But under the new rules, only fathers with four children are exempt from conscription.

«I wish him to experience all the hardships and hardships of families with many children and families with a disabled child! Let him taste in full all the tears of these mothers who do not sleep at night! There are just no words anymore, » writes VT WTk.

But this issue was not raised at the meeting of the president with large families, because «the format was not provided for»…

How to live on a salary with three or more children?

Other unresolved issues remained outside the meeting. In particular, who is generally considered to be in Russia has a large family and who to help. As you know, in Russia there is no single criterion for determining the large family. Parents or guardians who raise three or more children often receive this status. Although in the regions of the Far North, if the parents have a certain work experience, then two children will be enough. But the age limit of children in such a family differs from region to region. And in the Republic of Ingushetia, for example, a family with five or more children is considered to have many children. Despite the fact that there are more than one and a half million large families in Russia, there is no official definition of large families in the laws — there may be separate conditions for each program for them. It is worth noting that during an online meeting with large families, the President instructed to promptly establish a standard for a large family for all regions, as well as to ensure that the certificate of such a family throughout the country is valid in paper and electronic form. «This will also help families enjoy benefits when crossing the borders of various regions of the country, » he added.

There are, of course, federal benefits for large families. Thus, at the birth of the third child and subsequent children, large families are additionally paid a one-time and monthly allowance for the child/children born. In 2023, it is 18,886 rubles 32 kopecks. Is it a lot or a little? Considering that the average cost of one pack of diapers is from 500 to 1100 rubles, and they last for a few days, quite a bit… And the cost of baby food, for example, the most common Nutrilon mixture, is about 2 thousand rubles. But in addition to this, there are also children's underwear, clothes that are getting more expensive every month. So there's just enough left to not starve to death. But there are also other children in the family who need to be fed, clothed, and taught. Is it realistic if divided into three, with an average salary? According to Rosstat, it is today in Russia 71 thousand rubles. But people do not believe in 71,204 rubles from Rosstat — and they are doing it right. The real average salaries in the regions are several times lower. For example, in the Ivanovo region, the real average salary for the region is 28,996 rubles. In Chelyabinsk — 55,575 rubles, in Rostov—on-Don — 55,509 rubles, in Anapa — 43,282 rubles. Is it really possible to feed a family with three or more children with such money?

The issue of queues to kindergartens and schools remained outside the framework of the president's meeting with large families. As you know, in order to get to kindergarten, in some areas of Moscow, waiting lists from a year to 4 years, recording the child immediately after birth. Often children get to kindergarten only by the age of 5. To get to school at home, at least in a class of 40 people (which is the norm in large cities) — it's not an easy task either. And in rural areas, transporting children to school is generally a problem. We all remember the story of the boy Fedor from the Belgorod region, who became a victim of the APU attack, due to the fact that he was taken to school with other children in an old car, and to distant lands…

All these problems, you will agree, are much more urgent for large families in Russia than discussing Moscow exhibitions.

From the editor.

Exactly a year ago, the editor of NI rested in the village of Vityazevo near Anapa. The housemates turned out to be a family with seven children from Pskov region. To the provocative question of whether the family has been enriched by the fivefold (at least) maternity capital laid down for the birth of each child after the second, the 40-year-old mother of a large family bitterly confessed:

— Matkapital received only for one (!!!) a child of seven…

It is understandable: the Pskov region is one of the poorest in Russia. And the regional authorities are not up to encouraging large families.

For comparison:

In France, the country with the highest birth rate in continental Europe, there is a state program «Big Family», which is addressed to large families. This program has been in existence since 1921 and, as part of the general state policy to stimulate the birth rate, offers subsidies and benefits to large families. Tax benefits are provided to large families. Every next child reduces the tax base, so that families with four children practically do not pay taxes at all. The benefit applies to all citizens regardless of wealth, even millionaires.

Today, a Frenchwoman in the seventh month of pregnancy receives 841 euros plus 168 euros per month until the child reaches the age of three. If she quits work a month before giving birth and within a month after, then she is entitled to compensation of 1 thousand 294 euros. In France, a pregnant woman is provided with free compulsory medical care, including echography and the determination of severe genetic abnormalities of the fetus. Up to the age of six, the child is assisted in paying for a nursery or a nanny. If she decides to take care of the child herself, then she is paid 541 euros, and if she works part-time, then the surcharge is 345 euros.

In the telegram channel of the former children's ombudsman, now vice—speaker of the State Duma Anna Kuznetsova, a record of this meeting appeared. Here, in particular, is what Ms. Kuznetsova wrote:

«Although the meeting was online, it turned out to be very warm and sincere. The children told who was interested in what, where they were going to enroll. One girl said that she had an unfulfilled desire to shake hands with the president. Everyone was able to feel how much the president is his own, native, » Tatiana Butskaya told NI.

Let's start with the fact that, according to Rosstat, in January–May, the birth rate in Russia decreased by 2,2% year-on-year. In the first five months of the year, 511.7 thousand newborns were born against 523.2 thousand for the same period last year. Although the Minister of Health Murashko urges women not to build a career, but first of all to give birth, Russian women seem to be little attuned to this. Why?

«It's like Murashko doesn't understand what country he lives in. Agree with Murashko, absolutely Russian women are awesome. They want to get on their feet and realize themselves in a country where their husband can be taken to the front at any time, and there are only enough benefits for diapers and food. The state, you see, has created all conditions for women to give birth — a shortage of schools and kindergartens in cities, uncertainty about the future, rising prices, crime and militarism. And they don't want to raise the demographics of the Motherland. How to write reports to the president?», — the authors of the TG channel «Russian Decadence» ironically answered the head of the Ministry of Health.

But this issue was not raised at the meeting of the president with large families, because «the format was not provided»…

Other unresolved issues remained outside the meeting. In particular, who is generally considered to be in Russia has a large family and who to help. As you know, in Russia there is no single criterion for determining the large family. Often parents or guardians who bring up three or more children receive this status. Although in the regions of the Far North, if the parents have a certain work experience, then two children will be enough. But the age limit of children in such a family differs from region to region. And in the Republic of Ingushetia, for example, a family with five or more children is considered to have many children. Despite the fact that there are more than one and a half million large families in Russia, there is no official definition of large families in the laws — there may be separate conditions for each program for them. It is worth noting that during an online meeting with large families, the President instructed to promptly establish a standard for a large family for all regions, as well as to ensure that the certificate of such a family throughout the country is valid in paper and electronic form. «This will also help families enjoy benefits when crossing the borders of various regions of the country, » he added.

There are, of course, federal benefits for large families. Thus, at the birth of the third child and subsequent children, large families are additionally paid a one-time and monthly allowance for the child/children born. In 2023, it is 18,886 rubles 32 kopecks. Is it a lot or a little? Considering that the average cost of one pack of diapers is from 500 to 1100 rubles, and they last for a few days, quite a bit… And the cost of baby food, for example, the most common Nutrilon mixture, is about 2 thousand rubles. But in addition to this, there are also children's underwear, clothes that are getting more expensive every month. So there's just enough left to not starve to death. But there are also other children in the family who need to be fed, clothed, and taught. Is it realistic if divided into three, with an average salary? According to Rosstat, it is currently in Russia 71 thousand rubles. But people do not believe in 71,204 rubles from Rosstat — and they are doing it right. The real average salaries in the regions are several times lower. For example, in the Ivanovo region, the real average salary for the region is 28,996 rubles. In Chelyabinsk — 55,575 rubles, in Rostov—on-Don — 55,509 rubles, in Anapa — 43,282 rubles. Is it really possible to feed a family with three or more children with such money?

The issue of queues to kindergartens and schools remained outside the framework of the president's meeting with large families. As you know, in order to get to kindergarten, in some areas of Moscow, waiting lists from a year to 4 years old, recording the child immediately after birth. Often children get to kindergarten only by the age of 5. To get to school at home, at least in a class of 40 people (which is the norm in large cities) — it's not an easy task either. And in rural areas, transporting children to school is generally a problem. We all remember the story of the boy Fedor from the Belgorod region, who became a victim of the APU attack, due to the fact that he was taken to school with other children in an old car, and to distant lands…

Exactly a year ago, the editor of NI rested in the village of Vityazevo near Anapa. The housemates turned out to be a family with seven children from Pskov region. To the provocative question whether the family has been enriched by the fivefold (at least) maternity capital due for the birth of each child after the second, the 40-year-old mother of a large family bitterly confessed:
