Posted 31 июля 2023, 08:07

Published 31 июля 2023, 08:07

Modified 31 июля 2023, 21:16

Updated 31 июля 2023, 21:16

Time to collect links: United Russia members staged an information attack on Russians

Time to collect links: United Russia members staged an information attack on Russians

31 июля 2023, 08:07
Until July 30, inclusive, the United Russia members the country, first of all, the deputies of the State Duma, had to post reporting information on their social networks. We are talking about how the parliamentarians worked during the spring session. Let's have a look at how the «mad printer» reported.

Yekaterina Maximova

The party members received their theses in advance — a week before the «X» hour. All they had to do was creatively rework the deflated content.

From the cascade of posts on the results of the work of the lower house of parliament, Russians had to find out that 452 laws were adopted during the spring session, the EP initiated 40% of laws to support the sections of the SVO and their families, to ensure the country's defense capability and its technological sovereignty.

Also among the theses are the recognition by the veterans of the military operations of the militia who defended Donbass since 2014, the introduction of free legal aid for the participants of the SVO and their family members, simplification of the procedure for recognizing the participants of the special operation as missing and deceased.

The EP fraction in The State Duma is represented by 321 deputies. The first, but not in social networks, but in Mass media, the speaker of the State Duma Vyacheslav Volodin reported. All according to the methodology: «500 laws were adopted during the spring session. We have 27% of 500 bills, and this is 136 laws, were socially oriented, » he said (quoted by TASS).

The head of the United Russia faction, Vladimir Vasiliev, who, however, does not develop his telegram channel much, reported on his personal website. «452 laws were adopted, 40% of them were initiated by representatives of United Russia, » Vasiliev said, not too keen on creative processing.

But deputy and General Andrey Kartapolov, who, together with Volodin, was included in the list of the most quoted deputies, on the contrary, did his best.

In his tg channel, he posted a huge post in which he told how «since the beginning of its, a number of legislative initiatives have been considered and adopted to update the regulatory legal framework in the interests of strengthening the defense capability and national security of the state.»

Recall that it was Kartapolov who supported the law on conscription from 18 to 30 years. And from the deputy's rostrum, the parliamentarian then said that the law was written «for a big war, for general mobilization, and now this war already smells like».

Most of the parliamentarians, who have adopted almost 500 laws, apparently got tired by the end of the summer. And they decided to «rivet» posts exactly according to the lowered theses. For example, the EP deputy from In the Kurgan region, Alexander Iltyakov, during his election program in 2021, was creative without getting tired. I even went by helicopter to circle over the Kurgan region in order to «bring down» rain on the drying fields with the help of prayer.

But the current order of the party was formally executed by Iltyakov: «In the spring session, the United Russia party initiated 40% of the bills considered by the State Duma. During this period, 452 laws were adopted. The main focus is on supporting its participants…».

Well, and then according to the text from the manual. By the way, this year in the Trans—Urals (in addition to the drought in 2021), a new disaster struck — forest fires. The village in the Shadrinsky district was almost completely burned out. The victims of the fire have not been able to get new housing since spring.

Many parliamentarians carried out the task of the party completely carelessly. They didn't write anything themselves. The United Russians on the ground took the rap for them. For example, the report on the work of State Duma deputies can be read not from the deputy from the Republic of Dagestan Khizri Abakarov, but on the regional website of the EP. But it is also boring to read there: «Since the beginning of the year, about 500 laws have been approved and submitted to the President for signature by the upper house of Parliament.»

The leader of one of the regional branches of the party explained the reason for the execution of the «C-minus» on condition of anonymity to Novye Izvestia.

«We receive such tasks in an endless stream. What's so surprising about that? Before the State Duma elections, the theme of the „borscht set“ was „pedaled“, the cost of which was, as it were, reduced by the unicorns. Then it is necessary to advertise payments to the military, then help the participants of their own. We do not have time to submit links for a report, » says a prominent United Russia.

Many TV channels of socio-political orientation wrote that party members should convince Russians of the working capacity and effectiveness of the ruling party by the evening of July 30.

And that's how the blogosphere reacted to the surge in media activity of unicorns.

«The State Duma is not a factory to brag about the number of parts manufactured per shift. Yes, you can, of course, beat your chest and tell that you planted 500 trees in „three days“, but when only two trees have taken root in a month and none of them bear fruit, then this is by no means a reason for pride, » the authors of the tg-channel write «The melting pot.»

Chairman of the Public Council at the Federal Forestry Agency Vladimir Morozov suggested:

«I think few people would object if they adopted not 500 laws, but, say, 50-100, but among them would be: withdrawal from the WHO, tightening of migration policy, combating illegal migration and requirements for „new Russians“, cancellation of pension reform, cancellation of the tax maneuver that gives new profits to oligarchs and blocks internal development, subordination of the Bank of Russia to the Government of the Russian Federation. We would welcome amendments to laws that change the current vector to the degradation of science and education. And how would they support the deputies voting for the termination of their powers, as inappropriate to their position, Nabiullina and Siluanov, openly restraining the president's course on socio-economic development and the sovereignization of the national economy, » Morozov commented.

According to Kommersant, over the past session, the State Duma adopted 149 permissive and 143 prohibitive laws. 32 laws were directly related to the military sphere, including a number of prohibitive ones, for example, an increase in the fine for failure to appear at the military enlistment office, criminalization of fakes about volunteer formations, changing the draft age, etc.

In general, 143 documents are prohibitive: life imprisonment for treason, a ban on changing gender without medical indications and registering on Russian websites via foreign mail, tightening control over foreign agents, drones, and so on. The most high-profile initiatives were to raise the age of conscription, the creation of electronic summonses and the prohibition of gender reassignment.
