Posted 1 августа 2023,, 17:53

Published 1 августа 2023,, 17:53

Modified 2 августа 2023,, 08:51

Updated 2 августа 2023,, 08:51

Mass arson of military enlistment offices in Russia: a psychological weapon or an accident?

Mass arson of military enlistment offices in Russia: a psychological weapon or an accident?

1 августа 2023, 17:53
There is an epidemic of strange crimes in Russia: in three days: July 30 — August 1, 15 arsons of military enlistment offices were committed in different regions of the country. New attacks are reported every few hours. In all cases, the arsonists were people who could not be suspected of terrorism.
  • Rossosh, Voronezh region. A history teacher threw a Molotov cocktail at the military enlistment office after a «Central Bank employee» called her and informed her that fraudsters were trying to issue loans to her.
  • Crimea. For an attempt to set fire to the military enlistment office, a 51-year-old teacher of Russian language and literature, Tatiana B., was detained, who threw a Molotov cocktail into the commissariat building on the street. Zemsky in Feodosia. The bottle fell on the asphalt and broke. The fire did not cause damage to the building: the flames burned only the asphalt. But the woman herself unsuccessfully stepped on the burning asphalt, her shoes caught fire. The teacher was detained by a passing tourist group, in which there were two military men. According to eyewitnesses, during the throw, the woman was talking on the phone. When she was caught, she shouted loudly into the phone: «I was accepted.» During the interrogation, Tatiana said that she received the task to set fire to the military enlistment office in a Telegram from curators who introduced themselves as «employees of the bank and law enforcement agencies of Russia.» In addition, the woman took out a loan for 3 million rubles and transferred the money to the details specified by the scammers…
  • Saint-Petersburg. The 53-year-old driver of VAZ, who lives with his mother, has been communicating with an unknown person for two weeks via WhatsApp, who appears to be «an employee of the FSB Kolesnikov.» On the day appointed by Kolesnikov, the Petersburger goes to the military enlistment office on the street. Tchaikovsky, pours gasoline on the entrance group and tries to ram the arched gate. The man explained to the police officers who detained him that the «FSB officer Kolesnikov» offered him to arrange a provocation in order to save the secret documents of the military enlistment office, which the traitor commissars who had settled there were leaking to the enemies on Ukraine.
  • Podolsk, Moscow region. Two 80-year-old grandfathers stood for a long time at the military enlistment office on Lenin Avenue and also performed a particularly important task of the «FSB officer». They suffered, turned the phones in their hands: one could not figure it out in the cell, the other could not immediately answer the calls. But at some point they figured it out, one of the old men took something out of the bag and threw it to the military enlistment office. There was an explosion and a fire started. Pensioners were detained on the spot.
  • Severodvinsk, Arkhangelsk region. 76-year-old pensioner drives his Lada-Vesta to the military enlistment office on the street. Tortseva, takes a Molotov cocktail out of the trunk and throws it out the window. The fire that started is extinguished by a police officer guarding the military enlistment office. The apartment of the attacker was searched and found correspondence in the messenger with the «curator from the FSB», who persuaded the grandfather to «punish the persons involved in treason.»
  • Transbaikalia, village Aginskoe. A 17-year-old graduate of the school, Adisa D., tried to set fire to the military enlistment office of the Agin-Buryat district by throwing a molotov cocktail into the foyer of the building. The minor was detained by a military enlistment office guard. The motive is being clarified.
  • Omsk, Omsk region. A 21-year-old student of a pedagogical college received a call from a «bank employee» and reported that fraudsters had issued a loan to her. As an option for revenge, he offered to come to the building of the «bank» — in fact, the military enlistment office on Pushkin Street — and set it on fire. The girl came to the specified address, took out a bottle for ignition, but did not have time to bring the fire. During the interrogation, she stated that she did not know that this building was a military enlistment office.
  • Kazan, Tatarstan. A 62-year-old woman in Kazan came to the building of the commissariat of the Kirov and Moscow districts on Kyzyl-Army Street, poured gasoline on the wall and brought fire. «FSB officers» persuaded her to take a loan of 2.2 million rubles from the bank and transfer it to them «to save her daughter.» So she did, turning to different banks. But the callers did not stop there and ordered the military enlistment office to be set on fire «so that the daughter would remain alive.» The woman bought a canister of gasoline at a gas station.
  • Kazan, Tatarstan. A 23-year-old girl approached the building on the street. At the airport, she threw an incendiary mixture at the front door and disappeared. Soon she was detained. Motives are being investigated.
  • Kazan, Tatarstan. A 30-year-old woman tried to throw a molotov cocktail into the building of the Aircraft and Novo-Savinovsky military enlistment office. The bottle was caught by a police officer guarding the military enlistment office and thrown aside. Nothing caught fire. The same woman tried to set fire to the military enlistment office in Nizhnekamsk. She was detained. Motives are being investigated.
  • Mozhaysk, Moscow region. «Bank employees» called a 45-year-old woman and reported that right now some man is at the military enlistment office on the street. Frunze is trying to get a loan for her. To prevent this, the woman urgently needs to pour liquid on the windows of the building for ignition — this will allow «to make a fuss there» and «smoke out» the attacker from the room, they assured. So the woman did, going to the military enlistment office with several bottles of fuel.
  • Kaluga, Kaluga region. A woman throws a Molotov cocktail at the military enlistment office on the street. Suvorov. During the arrest, she shouts that if the police do not take their hands away, she will blow up everything — she allegedly has grenades in her bag. As a result, there were no grenades in the bag, but there were other molotov cocktails. Motives are being investigated.
  • Kopeysk, Chelyabinsk region. 54-year-old engineer of the Chelyabinsk plant of metal structures came at night to the commissariat on the street. Temnik and threw a Molotov cocktail into the building. A minute later, the police caught her. Motives are being investigated.

  • Verkhneuralsk, Chelyabinsk region. 38-year-old gas station operator at three o'clock in the morning threw into the wall of the military enlistment office on the street. Soviet bottle with liquid. She was detained. Motives are being investigated.
  • Ulan-Ude, Buryatia. Unknown persons set fire to the military enlistment office around 8 p.m. Judging by the video, two people were involved in the arson of the military commissariat on Kalandarishvili Street: a man and a woman. Molotov cocktails, which were thrown at the entrance to the military enlistment office, were in the woman's bag. The man threw one of the bottles at the door, the other at the glass of the first floor. Arsonists are not detained…

Arson of military enlistment offices differ in the technique of execution

For the first time during the SVO, massive psychological weapons were used against Russian objects.

The easiest prey for recruiters were elderly patriots (TV propaganda worked like a boomerang) and, oddly enough, teachers! Remotely, with the help of psychotechnics based on the widespread fears of Russians, they NO longer created mythical terrorists. «NI» tried to figure out a new kind of attacks.

The idea of using psychological weapons for military purposes is treated with skepticism. But what happened in the last three days with military enlistment offices in different parts of Russia should be qualified exactly like this.

At this hour, it is known about at least 15 arson attacks on military enlistment offices in different regions of the country and in Crimea from July 30 to August 1. Attacks on commissariats — by the hands of Russian citizens (!) occurred simultaneously with the arrival of drones for different purposes in Moscow.

In almost all cases, citizens detained for arson — and among them underage schoolgirls and 80-year—old pensioners — said one thing: they were pushed to action by «FSB colonels» and «Central Bank employees»…

For all the time of ITS we regularly see reports of arson of military commissariats in different cities of Russia. However, until now, these were disparate actors, and the motives of the arsonists differed from the motives of the current actors. Previously, incendiary mixtures were thrown by political and civil activists, or young people who tried to avoid their own conscription in such a radical way.

Now they are showing us something else: a bunch of mentally ill (disoriented in reality) people are taken to the streets with Molotov cocktails in several regions of Russia at the SAME TIME.

So, teachers (!) from the Voronezh region and the Crimea, according to the instructions of the «special services» (!), tried to physically eliminate credit fraudsters (?!), who for some reason barricaded themselves in the buildings of local military enlistment offices (!!!?).

It already looks like a phenomenon with an ant, a zombie mushroom «cordyceps lopsided».

The confessions that are being frankly given by detainees in the police right now are also grouped according to signs (more on that later). The personalities of the arsonists also have common features.

What is clear from the analysis of the recorded 15 cases? These people are not political or civil activists, they themselves are not in danger of conscription, they are completely ordinary citizens, may they forgive us — the philistines.

Everything was mixed up: loans, children, treason…

The «funnel» for the search for «terrorists» was obviously huge — a huge number of subscribers were sorted out. Most likely, the arson of military enlistment offices was not an immediate reaction of the performers to suggestion. A provincial teacher still needs some time to make a Molotov cocktail.

Preparations were underway for some time, and dates were set for the attacks. Probably, the identities of potential performers could be studied.

So, a pensioner from Severodvinsk, as it turned out during the excavation, corresponded for two weeks with a certain «FSB officer» who supervised him.

Psychotechnics are based on the common pains of Russians

For sure, three categories of citizens were sucked into the «funnel». Their cases have become a reflection of the main pains of average Russians.

What kind of pain is it?

1. The ideological impulse to destroy «traitors to the motherland» (for the elderly),

2. Fear of a debt pit, over-indebtedness (middle-aged citizens and young people),

3. The third place is the fear of losing children / loved ones.

So, the detained pensioners basically told the police that they went to the military enlistment offices with homemade weapons in order to destroy the «traitors» and «traitors of the motherland» who were holed up there, who allegedly passed secret documents and information to enemies from Ukraine.

Two 80-year-old pensioners, for example, staged an explosion and a fire (!) in the military enlistment office of Podolsk. They told the police that on the instructions of the special services (!) «smoked out» of the commissariat of traitors to the motherland (!!!).

Alas, we have to admit that the «patriots» who watched TV turned out to be the most dangerous people for the motherland!

They were able to deploy Russian propaganda by 180% and use it for the opposite purposes!

Manipulations involving costs worked with the rest of the arsonist citizens:

— living in poverty,

— lack of education,

— unconditional faith in the omnipotence of Russian law enforcement and punitive agencies.

Young and middle—aged people — often teachers (!) went to set fire to allegedly scammers who issued a loan for them.

«FSB colonels» or «Central Bank employees» by voice on the phone brought arsonists and arsonists to the right addresses with incendiary mixtures in their hands and explained that only in this way it would be possible to prevent credit fraudsters from bringing their plans to an end. A variation is to avenge the loans that have already been hung up.

But, you ask, how did it happen that credit scammers, who need to take revenge, got stuck in military enlistment offices? Nonsense — but the arsonists answer that during the commission of their actions they did not make the difference between the bank and the military enlistment office! The recruits lacked the mental capacity to distinguish the two institutions from each other.

In third place for reasons — fear for children / loved ones. This group of arsonists has the biggest problems with logic. Citizens reached the military enlistment offices (!) with Molotov cocktails in their hands (!) on the same instructions of «FSB colonels» and «Central Bank employees» (!!!) in order to prevent the murder or capture of their children in this way (?!).

Some enlisted people have two or three of the listed motives intertwined in their explanations at all…

It is worth noting that for essentially military tasks, none of the arsonists needed to be hired, not a single bribe — the arson of military enlistment offices was carried out by the hands of Russians purely on the idea, for free, for free…

Where and how were people searched for arson?

Artem K., a former employee of the federal department (preferred not to give his full name):

— In In Russia, officially about 1% of the population is registered in psychiatric institutions, let's add here still undetected patients and people with minor mental disabilities who cope without hospitals. On average, the number of people objectively in need of psychiatric and psychological help in the world reaches 10% of the total population.

Therefore, call 100 people in one city — you are guaranteed to stumble upon two or three with unstable or labile psyche. Instilling fear — one way or another — for loved ones, homeland, past, future, and so on is not difficult if you have the skills. Further actions are already consequences, not a starting point in a criminal act.

If a person did not hang up after the first story about the «institution of a criminal case» and the required ransom, «an accident with a loved one», «a loan taken» — this is him, a ready customer!

Now let's think, who is pulling such resources and in whose interests is it? To call 100 people in one city — CIPSO, I think, has quite enough resources. The technologies themselves are not necessarily Ukrainian. In the Tavistock clinic, for example, they have been doing a very similar thing for almost a hundred years. Freud also served in it. The latest bioengineering technologies are also always being developed along the lines of the Pentagon.

What psychotechnics are used for military purposes?

Maxim Kachalov, psychologist, political strategist:

— NLP is a highly overrated set of techniques, especially as a tool for military recruitment. It is unsuitable for the organization of an adequate and healthy person to commit a crime.

In the case of arson of military enlistment offices, other technologies are exploited. Firstly, exactly the audience that listens to phone scammers «from Sberbank» and transfers money to them has been selected for the role of performers. Only «arsonists» are the top most suggestible of them.

If your own life is bad and hard enough (and, accordingly, the value of your life is very low) — then, please, this is ready—made material — they can be organized for similar tasks by playing on indignation.

Recruiters have always started with people who have an internal conflict between beliefs and what they see as reality. This conflict creates emotions. But in order to get exactly aggressive indignation, two additional conditions are needed — a bad life and a high level of male hormones.

Moreover, the contradictions in their own attitudes of these characters can be so distorted that when they see a person burning in the military enlistment office, they may well risk their own lives to start saving them. When Alexander II was being killed, one of the terrorists rushed to the fallen ruler after the explosion, he really needed to save the «tsar-father»…

Another audience suitable for such tasks is mentally ill people. Paranoid patients with super-valuable ideas, for example. We will not discount the fact that during the special operation, the mental state worsened not only in patients of the relevant clinics, but also in people with minor deviations, so many people are at risk of recruitment — from people with just high anxiety to serious patients with delusions of persecution.

In my practice, I met a beekeeper who claimed that bees are covered with a layer of gold, and if it is cleaned off, all the problems of the state can be solved. But there are pests in the government and they don't want to listen to him! He was already ready for the most extreme forms of attracting attention. Fortunately, it was possible to connect him with a psychiatrist who helped with medication.

Not everyone can withstand the mental strain of the last decades — from the collapse of the USSR to the special operation. A lot of people in Russia lives «in a minefield in the fog.» Collectors, pests, state changers, bacteria under the rim of the toilet!!! It is impossible to guess which step will be fatal, threats are everywhere… As soon as possible, there would be at least some «Domestos» with a simple solution, who will finally tell you how to protect yourself from all these misfortunes. In a word, for life in Russia needs a strong psyche.

  • Omsk, Omsk region. A 21-year-old student of a pedagogical college was called by a «bank employee» and informed that fraudsters had issued a loan to her. As an option for revenge, he offered to come to the building of the «bank» — in fact, the military enlistment office on Pushkin Street — and set it on fire. The girl came to the specified address, took out a bottle for ignition, but did not have time to bring the fire. During the interrogation, she stated that she did not know that this building was a military enlistment office.
  • Mozhaysk, Moscow region. «Bank employees» called a 45-year-old woman and reported that right now some man is at the military enlistment office on the street. Frunze is trying to get a loan for her. To prevent this, the woman urgently needs to pour liquid over the windows of the building for ignition — this will allow «to make a fuss there» and «smoke out» the attacker from the room, they assured. So the woman did, going to the military enlistment office with several bottles of fuel.
  • Ulan-Ude, Buryatia. Unknown persons set fire to the military enlistment office around 8 pm. Judging by the video, two people were involved in the arson of the military commissariat on Kalandarishvili Street: a man and a woman. Molotov cocktails, which were thrown at the entrance to the military enlistment office, were in the woman's bag. The man threw one of the bottles at the door, the other at the glass of the first floor. Arsonists are not detained…

At this hour, it is known about at least 15 arson attacks on military enlistment offices in different regions of the country and in Crimea from July 30 to August 1. Attacks on commissariats — by the hands of Russian citizens (!) occurred simultaneously with the arrival of drones for various purposes in Moscow.

In the case of arson of military enlistment offices, other technologies are exploited. Firstly, exactly the audience that listens to telephone scammers «from Sberbank» and transfers money to them has been selected for the role of performers. Only «arsonists» are the top most suggestible of them.

Chronicle of arson July 30 — August 1, 2023