Posted 15 августа 2023, 12:43

Published 15 августа 2023, 12:43

Modified 16 августа 2023, 07:49

Updated 16 августа 2023, 07:49

In Moscow, metro drivers en masse go on sick leave. The authorities assure — fake

In Moscow, metro drivers en masse go on sick leave. The authorities assure — fake

15 августа 2023, 12:43
The Moscow Metro workers' union announced the mass departure of machinists on sick leave to take a break from overwork. The bill goes to hundreds. Whether this is so, Novye Izvestia found out.

The fact that the drivers of the Moscow metro began to take sick leave en masse was reported in the Metro Trade Union group on the social network August 10. According to the authors of the post, the machinists are leaving to draw attention to the problem of overwork.

«The machinists went on sick leave en masse. The body of workers has ceased to withstand frequent processing. The workers complained about low wages and that the bosses violated the conditions of rest,» the trade union said, «all this worsened the state of health, led to fatigue. Now there are 37 people on sick leave. Fatigue and malaise were felt at the Sokol depot and in other depots. Recycling is harmful to health! And small salaries aggravate the situation. Employers, instead of threats of dismissal, need to draw conclusions and improve working conditions, as employees want. The other day there was an accident in the subway — the 28-year-old head of the PCH-11 was killed. The man was processing for the third day in a row — literally fell asleep on the move and fell on the rails.»

In the comments, users confirmed that there is a problem with the processing.

«I took sick days for 7 years, most of them, just to rest, because 4-5 days off a month… I was a machinist,» wrote Ostap Lapkin.

4 days later, the union published a new post in which it clarified that 300 machinists had gone on sick leave during the day.

«Employees continue to take sick leave — a tense situation on August 11. During this day, more than three hundred issued sick leaves, — says in the message, — trains do not leave — there are not enough drivers. On the lines of the Moscow Metro, rolling stock is being removed back to the depot. We have learned that in the evening passengers are being dropped off on the Zamoskvoretskaya line due to the lack of a change of drivers.»

Novye Izvestia tried to contact representatives of the trade union. Deputy chairman of the trade union committee Valery Sobachkin said that he was not aware of the situation and advised to contact the chairman. But the chairman's phone, as well as his other deputies, did not answer.

The press service of the Moscow Metro, at the request of Novye Izvestia, stated that the information about the mass departure of machinists on sick leave was fake.

«This information does not correspond to reality and is a slander against the metro — the percentage of sick leave among drivers has been at the same level for many years and does not exceed the average values,» the metro reported. — The Moscow Metro operates normally, trains run according to the schedule. Drivers regularly undergo medical control, in case of the slightest deviations from the norm for medical reasons, they are simply not allowed to operate the train. Metro specialists monitor this very closely every day. Also, most trains have a system «Antison» — the device records falling asleep and distraction from management. When such cases are recorded, the data is immediately transmitted to the operator, who decides whether the employee can continue working on the line. There is also a wellness complex in the Moscow Metro, where employees can relax and restore their health.»

The trade union Dorprofzhelom of the Moscow Metro, which unites more than 90% of the company's employees, spoke in the same spirit.

«All social obligations to employees stipulated in the Collective Agreement are fulfilled in full. The doors of the trade union are always open to all metro employees, regardless of membership. In case of any violation of the labor regime, labor legislation and other documents, they are ready to help everyone who applies,» they said, «today more than 5.5 thousand drivers work in the Moscow metro, among them there are also women — they work on two metro lines. Dorprofzhel of the Moscow Metro, together with the Transport Complex of the capital, regularly works to create the most comfortable conditions for metro specialists.»

Interestingly, under the post in the group of this organization, comments were disabled, which users indicated under other posts.

«It's a disgrace. Any trade union is obliged to protect the rights of employees. And ours, when people have been driven and it is impossible to work, on our behalf (90%) of those who are in the trade union say that everything is fine, let it continue! And cowardly close comments! „, — said the user Lesha Matyukhin.