Posted 21 августа 2023,, 10:10

Published 21 августа 2023,, 10:10

Modified 21 августа 2023,, 12:30

Updated 21 августа 2023,, 12:30

Ivleyeva's law. The guinea pig eaten by bloggers turned into a new fine

Ivleyeva's law. The guinea pig eaten by bloggers turned into a new fine

21 августа 2023, 10:10
Blogger and presenter Nastya Ivleyeva, after the scandal with the guinea pig eaten during the show, received not only a wave of hatred from the Internet community, but also a personal law. Naturally with a fine and propaganda.

The scandal began with the release of Nastya Ivleyeva's Agent Show. In it, Ivleyeva invited her guest Alyona Zhigalova (the host of the show «Alyona, damn!») to show the contents of her phone or eat a cooked guinea pig. There was a «dish» on the plate, which Zhigalova immediately began to eat.

At first, the Internet exploded with a wave of indignation. In the comments under the Youtube video, Ivleyeva was accused of animal cruelty. Then the haters came to other social networks of the blogger and continued to vent their discontent.

As a result, the video with the guinea pig eating was deleted, although the episode managed to disperse on social networks and tg channels.

«I apologize to all viewers of this issue. It was deleted by me personally tonight, an updated installation without a fragment with a pig will appear in the near future», — Ivleyeva wrote after the scandal.

But the situation did not end there. State Duma deputies joined the process. In particular, Vladimir Burmatov gave Ivleeva a harsh rebuke and called for fines for propaganda of cruelty to animals.

«I believe that this is propaganda of cruelty to animals, » Burmatov told the newspaper, «You can't treat it any other way, because most of the people who watched this nonsense and this stuff are obscenities, for them a guinea pig is, of course, a pet. For people, in the mass view, a guinea pig is not a steak or a sausage, not a cutlet, but a pet. She might as well have eaten a hamster, a cat, a dog. It's good that now this obscenity has been removed from the network, but as in that joke, the sediment has become… turn on your head! You go out to a huge audience with this stuff. Be aware of your responsibility.»

Later it became known about the initiative to introduce administrative punishment for propaganda of cruelty to animals. The corresponding request from Burmatov was received by the Government of the Russian Federation.

«Cruelty to animals is a criminal offense for which liability is provided under Article 245 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, which provides for a penalty of up to five years in prison, » the explanatory note says, «at the same time, propaganda of cruelty, including appeals, production, production, display and distribution of film, video and photographic materials of printed, audio-visual products, the placement of such materials currently remain unpunished, which leads to extremely destructive consequences».

It is proposed to fine citizens for propaganda in the amount of 5 thousand to 10 thousand rubles, or administrative arrest for up to 15 days. Officials from 10 thousand to 15 thousand rubles, and legal entities — from 50 thousand to 100 thousand rubles. Separately, penalties are provided for the production, production, display and distribution of such propaganda through film, video and photographic materials, printed and audiovisual products. Ivleyeva and her team could have fallen under this norm if the law had already been in effect. Citizens are offered to impose a fine from 10 thousand to 20 thousand rubles, sole proprietors — from 20 thousand to 50 thousand rubles, and a legal entity — from 50 thousand to 100 thousand rubles.

It is unlikely that the bill was written in a hurry immediately after the scandal with the eating of guinea pigs, the document was written a long time ago and was waiting for a bright occasion, which was given by Ivleyeva's case.