Posted 4 сентября 2023,, 10:00

Published 4 сентября 2023,, 10:00

Modified 4 сентября 2023,, 16:12

Updated 4 сентября 2023,, 16:12

Away from sanctions — to the native harbor: super yachts of oligarchs are waiting in the Crimean Yalta and Balaclava

Away from sanctions — to the native harbor: super yachts of oligarchs are waiting in the Crimean Yalta and Balaclava

4 сентября 2023, 10:00
More than 10 sea super-yachts owned by Russian oligarchs and smaller businessmen have left due to the threat of sanctions arrests in the Black Sea. Now the Crimean authorities want to build special parking lots for them in Yalta and Balaklava.

Yelena Petrova

Several owners of super yachts have already expressed interest in long-term rentals in Crimea, the Crimean telegram channel said. The concierge service, which serves mega-yachts, is already happy with new orders. According to sources, we are talking not only about those persecuted in the United States and Europe — «functionaries and businessmen included in the sanctions lists.» «Large regional businessmen and managers also want to switch to the service.» Total in Crimea wants to come 12 mega-yachts and more than 200 yachts of various lengths.

«A yacht the size of a frigate cannot be driven into Balaclava or Yalta yet, big people are waiting for the construction of marinas in these cities, which has already begun or will begin, » the experts shared. «Big money loves exceptional service, » they said.

The Balaklava marina project is designed for 600 vessels. By 2030, not only a complex for the repair, parking and maintenance of mega-yachts will be built, but also the embankment and historical buildings will be restored. The authorities want to modernize all communications, build berths and piers.

Russian owners of super yachts abroad spend about $200 million a year for parking. There is no such infrastructure in Crimea at all, although there are investors who are ready to invest in it.

Andrey Melnichenko's yacht, which received a meter-long scratch in a Spanish port due to careless yachtsmen from a much smaller vessel, is quite comparable to other vessels of Russian oligarchs who were unlucky enough to get on the sanctions lists and had to evacuate urgently to the Black Sea with their transponders turned off.

Off the coast of Crimea, they see the super yacht Rahil, which is considered the property of Arkady Rotenberg. Its cost is estimated at $ 60 million.

In Crimea, they like to talk about a party in «honor of a good mood» for $ 3.5 million. The guests were delivered by helicopter, and from Moscow and St. Petersburg was discharged «stars» of the first magnitude.

In total, the Crimean authorities plan to build 15 marinas on the peninsula and make a «Mecca for yachtsmen» out of Crimean cities. The State Council does not report on how they are going to ensure the safety of recreation for the super-rich and their multimillion-dollar property. Meanwhile, massive drone attacks have been taking place in Crimea recently. The last one was recorded on August 30.

However, the oligarchs and managers themselves also take care of their safety. As reported, some of the super- and mega-class yachts owned by Russian businessmen are equipped not only with lasers to protect against paparazzi, but also with electronic warfare systems and Air defense to protect against missiles and torpedoes. Their safety is ensured by armed guards.