MASH: a woman from Buryatia gave birth to a child from her husband, who died during the Special military operation

MASH: a woman from Buryatia gave birth to a child from her husband, who died during the Special military operation

10 сентября 2023, 12:10
A resident of Buryatia gave birth to a girl from her husband, who died on his own. Doctors planted her previously frozen embryo after its death.

Olga's husband from Buryatia, Yevgeny, died in the SMO zone, writes the telegram channel Mash. Olga decided to carry out IVF with her husband's frozen embryos after she found out that he was no longer alive.

Olga met Yevgeny back in 2009 in the village of Kyakhta. After an unsuccessful pregnancy, the couple decided on IVF. Everything went well, and a daughter Sofia was born in the family.

Olga and Yevgeny were thinking about a second child, but their war began, and Yevgeny went to the front to repair tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and other equipment. Yevgeny's squad came under mortar fire in Izyum, Kharkiv region. As Olga found out, Yevgeny ran to rescue the wounded soldiers, but at that time he was covered by the second wave. On the day of the funeral, Yevgeny turned 31.

After a while, Olga decided to fulfill Yevgeny's dream and her own — to give birth to a second child. To do this, doctors used frozen embryos that were preserved from the first IVF. The planting turned out to be successful, and Olga was born a girl.

She was named Zhenya in honor of her deceased father. The eldest daughter takes touching care of her sister.

Novye Izvestia has already written about the possibilities of freezing embryos. So, the Ridgeway family from Portland in October 2022, twins Lydia and Timothy — more than 30 years after the embryos from which they emerged were frozen. According to statistics, this is the case of the longest freezing of embryos.

The embryos for the anonymous couple were taken as a result of IVF on April 22, 1992 and have since been stored in liquid nitrogen at a temperature of -196°C.

It is believed that embryos can be frozen for almost unlimited time, although their survival after thawing is about 80%, and only a part of the transferred embryos leads to live birth. In the case of the Ridgeways, five embryos were thawed, three were viable enough to transfer, and two children were born as a result.

Despite the fact that the embryos have been in deep freeze for so long, the children that emerged from them should be as healthy as those that were born naturally. This is more influenced by the age of the donor and recipient of the embryos. By the way, the Ridgeways were told that the twins' biological father died of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a progressive neurodegenerative disease affecting the nerve cells of the brain and spinal cord, which Stephen Hawking suffered from.

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