Posted 10 сентября 2023,, 10:13

Published 10 сентября 2023,, 10:13

Modified 11 сентября 2023,, 07:15

Updated 11 сентября 2023,, 07:15

Question of the day: who in Sochi will be responsible for the death of a girl who died of a rotavirus infection?

Question of the day: who in Sochi will be responsible for the death of a girl who died of a rotavirus infection?

10 сентября 2023, 10:13
7-year-old Masha Khrustaleva from Yekaterinburg was on vacation with her parents in Sochi and swam in the Black Sea. Due to the pollution of Sochi beaches with feces, the child fell ill with a rotavirus infection. The girl fell into a coma, and a few days later died in a hospital in Lazarevskoye.

Masha Khrustaleva arrived in Sochi with her parents and on August 18 she was admitted to an infectious disease hospital with a diagnosis of rotavirus infection, local media reported. Because of the infection, the girl fell into a coma, and then her heart failed.

For several days, the girl's condition was extremely serious. They pumped water out of her lungs and suspected brain edema, although it was not confirmed later. By order of the governor of Yekaterinburg, they wanted to send a plane for the girl to transport her to Moscow, because in Sochi did not have the right level of specialists. However, the child's condition deteriorated sharply, and the doctors did not dare to transport Masha. The girl died of cardiac arrest.

Sochi authorities have been unable to cope with rotavirus infection for several years. «NI» has repeatedly reported on the catastrophic situation with sewage treatment plants at the main resort of the country. The situation is no better in Anapa, Gelendzhik or Novorossiysk.

In Abkhazia, where the rampant infection is no less than in neighboring Sochi, children are vaccinated against rotavirus infection. However, children from central Russia and with The Urals are unarmed against a harmless infection. The last example is Masha Khrustaleva.

On social networks, people demand to punish the perpetrators, because they are well known for a long time. We are talking about the authorities who allow sewage to be dumped directly on the beaches into the sea. Medatron is outraged:

«I think this is the case when you need to plant. The problem with rotovirus in Sochakh is famous — for more than one year in a row. The reason for the mass rotovirus is also known — sewage discharge into the sea. The unavailability of their local medicine is also known — lack of places and queues. I'm not talking about specialists at all. Are they there as a species.
So it's not just death, but natural murder. In general, the mayor, public utilities and doctors are to blame for the articles: murder, abandonment in danger, fraud (and not performing their direct official duties under the guise of performing this fraud), embezzlement and all this by collusion of a group of persons.»

Lawyer Yulia Fedotova examines what exactly should be responsible for the death of a child. The obvious answer is that doctors should answer, because they performed their professional duties improperly.

However, the true culprits of Masha's death are Sochi and Krasnodar officials, who from year to year do nothing to stop the discharge of sewage into the sea. Yulia Fedotova says:

«In my opinion, the responsibility should be borne by officials and officials whose direct duties include monitoring the quality of water in the Black Sea. These are employees of Rospotrebnadzor, the chief sanitary doctor of the Krasnodar Territory. Under the article „negligence“ resulting in death, the Criminal Code is up to 5 years in prison.»

This year, the State Unitary Enterprise SK «Stavropolkrayvodokanal», who is responsible for sewerage on the Black Sea coast, announced an open tender «for the adjustment of design and estimate documentation for the reconstruction of sewage treatment plants in the Caucasus Mineral Waters region with an increase in productivity from 170 thousand m3/day to 250 thousand m3/day.» Why did officials reach the drains only now, the stories are silent. It should be noted that this is not a competition for the construction of the structures themselves, but only for the creation of a plan. One can imagine how long it will take from the finished plan to the construction of the treatment plants themselves. In Novorossiysk, for example, there are only 2 of them for the entire Bukhna and suburbs.

If the Sochi authorities cannot solve the problem with faeces, they can try to increase the budget of the infectious diseases hospital. As the media reported, in July it was packed to the brim. The authorities of the city and the region will try to put this story on the brakes — it is not the first year that people suffer from feces in the sea. But this should not continue. If the situation is such that people have no other alternative to rest because of geopolitics, and it will not work to leave for Turkey or Egypt, the authorities should start solving problems at home.