Posted 12 сентября 2023, 12:59

Published 12 сентября 2023, 12:59

Modified 12 сентября 2023, 13:52

Updated 12 сентября 2023, 13:52

Gave birth to a child — go to the budget: deputies came up with measures to increase the birth rate

Gave birth to a child — go to the budget: deputies came up with measures to increase the birth rate

12 сентября 2023, 12:59
The State Duma proposed to transfer the families of students at the birth of a child from a paid department to the budget and pay a scholarship of 30 thousand rubles. Will this save the demographic situation in the country?


Falling birth rate in Russia has reached a historic low. The country was at the bottom of a demographic pit. And a miracle is not worth waiting for, at least in the near future. New Rosstat data on the demographic situation are again depressing. In June 2023 in Only 104 thousand 428 new Russians were born in Russia. And this is one of the lowest rates since 1991, when the country was experiencing a demographic crisis.

«There is no money, but we will find it»

The few generation of the 90s will not provide a baby boom. And the state supports large families in our country only on paper. Plus, there are fewer women of fertile age born in the 1990s during the demographic pit. Against this background, the measures proposed by the chairman of the Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Nina Ostanina look like a breakthrough.

It all started with an initiative in Kurgan, where pregnant college students were offered to transfer to the budget. But the deputy Nina Ostanina went further. Along with the transfer of pregnant and giving birth to university students to the budget, she proposed to allocate a dorm room to the families of students with a child and pay a scholarship of 30 thousand to a young student family. We contacted Nina Alexandrovna and asked about the details and prospects of such a bill.

«As usual, they can tell us that „there is no money, but you are holding on,“ but I suggested finding finances for this from regional budgets with the support of the federal one, that is, this is co-financing. Moreover, it is planned to transfer to the budget not only the expectant mother, but also the student-father — after all, we are for full families. Now the minimum subsistence level is about 16 thousand, we offer a young student family to pay 2 times more, because now the scholarship is tears, something about 1800 rubles, increased — 2,500. How will the bill move forward? I foresee a negative reaction from the Ministry of Education and Science, they will once again say that there is no money, but I have high hopes for a visit to the State Duma by Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova, who should attend a report on the situation of children in Russia,» Nina Ostanina, chairman of the Committee on Family, Children and Women of the State Duma, told NI.

«Yazhemat» and study

University teachers treat this measure differently. But the general reaction is: «If a person is motivated to study, he will successfully graduate from university with a child.»

«It all depends on the situation. Students with a child can study well, we had such precedents, but, as a rule, grandparents helped there. There is also such an experience: after giving birth to a child, a student goes on academic leave and does not return from it. As for the increase of the scholarship to the student who gave birth, this is good, because with the current meager scholarship, many students are starting to earn extra money instead of fully studying,» said Andrey Larichev, a teacher of the physics faculty of Moscow State University, candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences.

In social networks, the proposal of the State Duma was met ambiguously.

Elena Lifanova: «A good initiative, for those who will not use it for selfish purposes. There is no need to talk about students and conscious motherhood. But to maintain cowards — ok.».

Asel Tastambekova: «Handouts and half measures cannot solve the problem

Archi Ivanov: «Now all yazhemamki will rush to study.»

Why Russian women are in no hurry to give birth to their first child

Will the proposed measure be massive?

If you understand, very few give birth at the student age.

The average age of a woman at the birth of a child in Russia today is 28 years and 10 months old. This is the average age of all mothers, without dividing into those who gave birth for the first time, for the second, third or subsequent times. The age of birth of the firstborn was 26 years. That is, it already goes beyond the student age.

Although, according to opinion polls, Russians consider the optimal age for the birth of their first child to be 25 years. At the same time, everything depends on the region, its traditions and cultural norms. For example, in Chechnya and Tyve — the first children give birth early, on average at 23.4 and 23.7 years, respectively. They also give birth early in Dagestan: an average of 23.5 years. Later they give birth in St. Petersburg, Moscow and Sevastopol: the average age of birth of the firstborn here is 28, 27.8 and 26.9 years, respectively. In these regions, other traditions play a particularly important role. According to demographers, young women in cities devote most of their time to work — voluntarily or involuntarily. To find a good job, they need to get an education. So the birth of a child at the student age in large cities is rather an exception.

Other factors also play a role. For example, the lack of even the necessary social infrastructure for the upbringing and education of children. The queue for kindergartens can last for years, schools, clinics, various sports and other clubs are not available or are far away. And the available ones are clearly not enough for everyone.

In addition, the events of recent years have significantly affected the standard of living and confidence in the future for many families. People just don't want to bring a new person into this world because they don't know what the future holds for him. It was the same in the 90s after the collapse of the Soviet Union. It is worth noting that the worldview of modern youth has changed: they look at the world more pragmatically and prudently. To condemn them is like condemning the time in which they were born.
