Posted 28 сентября 2023, 07:18

Published 28 сентября 2023, 07:18

Modified 29 сентября 2023, 07:17

Updated 29 сентября 2023, 07:17

Adam Kadyrov sent a «message» to the Russians: «You will smile sweetly at me»

Adam Kadyrov sent a «message» to the Russians: «You will smile sweetly at me»

28 сентября 2023, 07:18
In an account attributed to the son of the head of Chechnya Adam Kadyrov, a post appeared with a hint that he would not receive any punishment or public censure for beating a prisoner in a pre-trial detention center.

In the Instagram network banned in the Russian Federation* On behalf of 15-year-old Adam Kadyrov, a post appeared on September 28, which is probably related to the beating of Nikita Zhuravel, an arrested resident of Volgograd, in a pre-trial detention center.

«You can gossip, hate, envy and discuss me. But we both understand that when we meet, you will smile sweetly at me…», — Adam wrote.

Kadyrov Jr.'s statement aroused the indignation of a significant part of subscribers. Users suggested that Adam should lose his father's protection, as «anyone will give him breams.»

«It's necessary to disgrace yourself like that, beat up a detainee, „dzhigit“,» users wrote.

Recall that the scandal with Kadyrov's son occurred a few days ago, when, while visiting the pre-trial detention center in Grozny, Adam beat Nikita Zhuravel, an arrested resident of Volgograd, accused of burning the Koran.

The father and his closest retinue approved of Adam's actions. Ramzan Kadyrov said that by beating a defenseless prisoner, his son «did the right thing.»

«I beat him and did the right thing. Moreover, I believe that those who encroach on any Holy Scripture, including those who defiantly burn it, insulting tens of millions of citizens of our big country, should be severely punished,» Kadyrov wrote.

And the State Duma deputy from Chechnya Adam Delimkhanov and the speaker of the Republican parliament Magomed Daudov went further: they published posts on social networks with words of support for the son of the head of Chechnya Adam Kadyrov, who «humanely» beat Nikita Zhuravel in jail, «leaving him alive

It is noteworthy that until now, despite citizens' appeals to state authorities and letters from human rights defenders, none of the law enforcement agencies have opened a case against Adam Kadyrov.

When journalists asked Dmitry Peskov, the press secretary of the President of the Russian Federation, to comment on the incident with the behavior of the son of the head of Chechnya, he replied «I don't want to.»

Recall that 19-year-old Zhuravel, accused of burning the Koran under Part 2 of Article 148 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (insulting the feelings of believers), was sent to Chechnya after his arrest by personal order of the head of the TFR Alexander Bastrykin.

After delivering the prisoner to Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov's 15-year-old son Adam came with his father to the pre-trial detention center where Nikita Zhuravel is located. During the visit, he beat the prisoner. An appeal was received from the prisoner that Kadyrov beat his hands and feet during a visit to the pre-trial detention center.

After Chechen politicians approved the actions of the son of the head of the republic, many Russians, including TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, condemned the actions of the Kadyrov clan.

Activist Savva Fischer said that he submitted an application to The Investigative Committee on the head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov, his son Adam, the head of the detention center No. 1 Grozny Khasbulat Alsultanov in connection with the beating of the arrested Nikita Zhuravel.

A member of the Human Rights Council (HRC) under the President of the Russian Federation Eva Merkacheva appealed to the head of the FSIN Arkady Gostev with a request to urgently transfer the beaten Zhuravel to another region.

The human rights defender explained that the law in relation to prisoners «does not allow discrimination against suspects and accused on the grounds of gender, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, as well as other circumstances.»

However, to date, no decision has been made to transfer the beaten prisoner to another region. Human rights activists fear that if the transfer does not take place in the near future, Zhuravel faces mortal danger in Chechnya.

*The network belongs to the Meta company, which is recognized as extremist and banned in the territory of the Russian Federation.
