To undress or to warm up? Natural disasters have exacerbated controversy over climate and weather

To undress or to warm up? Natural disasters have exacerbated controversy over climate and weather

13 января 2021, 15:00
Apparently, the relative youth of the science of meteorology and the insufficient amount of scientific data on the earth's climate will not allow in the near future to resolve the issue of human guilt in climate change.

The problem of global warming continues to worry network analysts, despite the pandemic. Another wave of discussions about whether a person is to blame for it, or is it just an ordinary natural cycle associated with new cataclysms, for example, with heavy snowfalls and frosts in Spain.

It is known that meteorology as a science arose only after the invention of scientists by Galileo Galilei in the 17th century - a thermometer and Torricelli - a mercury barometer. Later, a hygrometer, rain gauge, weather vane and anemometer were also invented. The first experiments in scientific meteorological observations began in Europe in 1654, and in Russia much later.

Meanwhile, the famous Russian and Soviet geographer Lev Berg, in his book "Geography of the USSR", published in the 1930s, wrote that there is a warming and melting of glaciers. For example, in the south of the Yamal Peninsula, remains of woody vegetation have been found that grew here hundreds of years ago during a warmer climatic period. Now there, in the permafrost zone, of course, there is no forest.

Of course, such arguments give rise to all sorts of conspiracy theories. For example, the fact that global corporations, under the guise of global warming, are pushing various insulation materials for construction, promoting passive and active houses that, being well insulated, will not require heating, which will reduce CO2 emissions.

This process, as they joke on the Web, would be more correct to call "global warming": if global warming is true, then it turns out that soon their products will soon be unnecessary at all. Why insulation if soon our palms will grow?

Network analyst Dmitry Milin, who is sure that there is no Global Warming, but only climatic fluctuations, did not stay away from the controversy. He lists them with the signs + and - in his publication on this topic:

“There have already been:

(+) The Holocene climatic optimum lasted from about 9000 to 5000 BC. e. During this period, the temperature was significantly higher than modern (usually estimates are in the range of 1-3 ° C). Studies in Siberia indicate higher local temperatures with an excess over modern ones up to 3-9 ° C in winter and 2-6 ° C in summer. Summer temperatures in Alaska were also 2-3 ° C warmer than today. The amount of ice in the Arctic was significantly less than today. Greenland's ice cover was smaller, although modern science believes that glaciers persisted. (warming)

(-) Catastrophe of the Bronze Age. In the period 1206-1150 BC. e. the invasion of the "peoples of the sea", the collapse of the Mycenaean kingdoms, the Hittite kingdom in Anatolia and Syria and the end of the domination of the Egyptian empire in Syria and Canaan led to the extinction of trade routes and a decrease in literacy (in connection with which the Mycenaean linear and Luwian (Hittite) scripts disappeared). At the first stage of this period, almost every city between Troy and Gaza was destroyed and often after that it was no longer inhabited: for example, Hattusa, Mycenae, Ugarit were abandoned. (cold snap)

(+) The Roman climatic optimum is a short stretch of the Sub-Atlantic period, spanning the time from 250 BC to e. until about 400 AD e. The mild climate contributed to the prosperity of large empires. It was during this period that the maximum expansion of the Roman Empire falls. (warming)

(-) The climatic pessimum of the early Middle Ages or the pessimum of the era of the Great Nations Migration from 450 AD. e. to 750 AD e. - a general cooling of the climate in Europe, which lasted several centuries after the Roman climatic optimum. The climax of the climatic pessimum was the cooling of 535-536. (cold snap)

(+) Medieval climatic optimum (also called the Medieval Warm Period) - an era of relatively warm climate in the northern hemisphere in the X-XIII centuries. It was characterized by mild winters and relatively warm and even weather. The interval of the medieval climatic optimum is the foundation of Scandinavian settlements in Greenland, as well as the growth of cities in North-Eastern Russia. (warming)

(-) The Little Ice Age is a period of global relative cooling that took place on Earth during the XIV-XIX centuries. This period is the coldest in terms of average annual temperatures over the past 2 thousand years. The Little Ice Age was preceded by a low climatic optimum (approximately X-XIII centuries) - a period of relatively warm and even weather, mild winters and the absence of severe droughts. (Cooling)..."

So it is unlikely, given all these fluctuations known to science, that it is possible to say with certainty whether a person is to blame for the current warming. And if so, what is the share of this guilt. And the best thing is to just follow the predictions, which are gradually becoming more and more accurate...

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