Environmental disaster

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Август 2023
Июль 2023
Июнь 2023
Апрель 2023
Март 2023
On the nature of earthquakes: how the elements "play" with the Earth without disturbing the brains of scientists
Attempts to explain the causes of the February catastrophic earthquake in Turkey and Syria have demonstrated the incredible ignorance of scientific journalists and even scientists around the world.
Февраль 2023
After us the deluge! Who and how poisons drinking water in Moscow
Man, as you know, is 80% water. Water is necessary for the proper functioning of all his organs – from the circulatory system to the brain. However, the catastrophic state of water intake from the rivers near Moscow leaves no chance for clean water. The petition of environmentalists has been sent to the President of Russia.
Ноябрь 2022
Октябрь 2022
Сентябрь 2022