Posted 2 февраля 2021,, 11:31

Published 2 февраля 2021,, 11:31

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Lawyer Ilya Novikov on the behavior of security officials: "For now, it looks like there will be "Belarus""

2 февраля 2021, 11:31
Lawyer Ilya Novikov on the Novaya Gazeta YouTube channel explained whether what was happening could be called “mass terror”, and also spoke about the main indicator of the seriousness of the protesters' intentions.

“Look what has been preserved as a base, as a foundation. Preserved people in the Investigative Committee, which is entrusted with the central fragment of this story.

General Gabdullin, who made a career in the 2012 Bolotnaya business, has survived. He has some kind of backbone of investigators.

And there is something that could have entered, practically entered, if not yet in history, then in Wikipedia, at least as the “Moscow case of 2019”, which began as a case of mass riots on July 27 and August 3 in Moscow.

This was an attempt at a second start-up in the Swamp Case genre, the same people.

Gabdullin then put together a team, in my opinion, of 90 investigators who were thrown into this. But the fuse quickly dried up, the bosses did not support it, they said that you overdid it there, and those who had accusations only of mass riots - it was curtailed.

That is, if a person had the 318th article - he directly attacked a policeman or a Russian guard, and in addition to the 212nd, then he only had his personal plot.

It was recognized that there were no riots in Moscow. They really weren't.

Just before that, the Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee with great aplomb claimed that there were, were, but one day they turned around and said that we still understood that there was no, of course, there were no riots.

Now, in my opinion, there is no such strategic leadership line, which of these storylines to choose as the main one.

Either it will be a "sanitary" case, or a "case of minors", or all together and they will be united. That is, now several teams are working out of order.

It is clear why this is being done. Bastrykin is trying to create a reputation for his department and himself personally as such very solid, steadfast, with warm hearts and clean hands of the heirs of the past, he made a dark blue uniform, nkvdesh trousers.

To say that this is terror - well, probably not. It's so much more... Chaotic violence.

There is such a mimic plate, nine cells: Chaotic good, Chaotic evil ... And what is happening now is Chaotic evil.

There is no firm line behind this, no strategic one.

It was said: come on, do something, make some kind of crime. Some in the forest, some for firewood.

Someone went to count how many people were infected with the coronavirus, someone went to count how many minors came by reading a post on twitter or watching tik-tok.

And this does not mean that all this will not grow into terror in our country, it does not mean that we know what to do with it.

We understand what is happening, we have not yet come up with any good remedy for it.

Because we have not yet reached the stage when the Aurora fired a volley at the Winter Palace, and we will not reach it soon.

Even to the point that it was in Belarus (not yet reached)... It would seem, where is Belarus, but we are moving in this direction, so, in general; when people successfully fought off those whom they tried to bring to the paddy wagons.

An indicator of the seriousness of the crowd is when the crowd is not just chaotic - individual people start to fight with the riot police,

Here one person was led. And people do not know why they were led, whether they were led right, wrong, maybe before that he really threw a bottle at someone's head - but people see that someone from them was led by the arms, and they attack.

I do not have a good answer to the question “what to do with terror?” If it starts as terror, but the moods that I saw, at least on Pushkinskaya Square, last Saturday, are already less picnic, less flash mob , they are already like that, more serious.

And it would be nice if it stopped at some point, if the government stepped back, if society understood that it does not need to go to extremes.

But it’s hard to believe in this so far. For now, it looks like there will be "Belarus"".

The entire interview with Ilya Novikov can be viewed here.