Ministry of Natural Resources plans to pay for landfill reclamation at the expense of citizens

Ministry of Natural Resources plans to pay for landfill reclamation at the expense of citizens

26 февраля 2021, 14:06
The Ministry of Natural Resources proposed to impose the financial burden on residents to reclaim old landfills.

The officials proposed to put in order the territories of landfills with expiring service life at the expense of consumers, including surcharges in the tariff for garbage collection.

“Based on the average values, the size of the tariff premium should be about 32 rubles per person per year”, - said Roman Zemtsov, director of the department for financial and economic support of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

According to RBC, this surcharge to the tariff for the removal and disposal of solid municipal waste is calculated based on the average standards approved at the level of 2.53 cubic meters per person per year.

The Ministry of Natural Resources believes that such an increase in price will not be critical for the population.

Meanwhile, in a number of regions, residents are already paying additional rubbish surcharges. If additional payments are introduced, the premiums may become double. So, by decision of the deputies of the Duma of the city of Kostroma, residents of the regional center have already paid over 100 million rubles as an "investment bonus" for organizing a private waste sorting plant in the region, the quality of which experts have numerous complaints about.

“As a member of the Public Chamber commission, I was on a tour of our waste sorting plant, which, when put into operation, was presented to us as 'ultra-modern and fully automated'. In fact, we saw a completely different picture. I was amazed at the gigantic volumes of garbage that are brought into the plant. Contrary to the promises of “automation”, we saw manual sorting at the factory: people stand among this dirt and stench and, risking their health, separate the waste. We did not see any presses to reduce the volume of garbage removed after such "sorting". Bottom line: the urban landfill is already overcrowded. What then is the point of the plant", - he said in an interview with" NO "ekoaktivistka Natalia Tsvetkov.

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