Alexey Kudrin: 20% of Russians in need do not receive social support

Alexey Kudrin: 20% of Russians in need do not receive social support

31 марта 2021, 20:31
The head of the Accounts Chamber, Alexey Kudrin, said that additional measures must be taken to achieve the president's target of reducing the poverty rate from 13.2% to 6.6% by 2030.

More than 20% of Russians living below the poverty line do not receive any of the social support measures they are entitled to, the head of the joint venture noted.

Kudrin, speaking with a report on the work of the department over the past year at a plenary meeting of the Federation Council, said that the "focus of attention" of the Accounts Chamber was the reduction of poverty in the country.

"Our analysis programs to combat poverty shows that are not covered by state support categories of citizens, and more than 20% of citizens do not fall under any form of support, although there are the standard of living below the subsistence minimum", - RIA Novosti quotes Kudrin's words.

The head of the Accounts Chamber noted that in the past, "pandemic" year, it was possible to reduce the risks of poverty thanks to child benefits. Without these measures, Kudrin said, the magnitude of poverty would have increased by 2%.

It's worth reminding that recently Kudrin announced the need to assign social benefits to low-income citizens on the basis of the total family income, regardless of whether they have children.

Economists point out that last year, a significant portion of Russian families faced a sharp drop in income. As a result, people were forced to apply for consumer loans more often, and the applicants often needed money not to buy expensive goods, but for food.

#Poverty #People in need #Poor #Alexey Kudrin #Crisis #People #State support #Общество #Accounts Chamber #News #Russia #Life #State support program #Problem #Russians #Situation #Social benefits #Society