Posted 7 апреля 2021, 10:00

Published 7 апреля 2021, 10:00

Modified 25 декабря 2022, 20:57

Updated 25 декабря 2022, 20:57

On the authoritarian Christ and the psychology of victims

7 апреля 2021, 10:00
Алина Витухновская
In postmodernism, there is no truly bad or truly good. But there is a rational one. There is no rational in Russia either. Accordingly, there are no good or bad. Who are you for? I'm for myself. For rationality, for expediency, for civilization. But there is no smell of them here.

The main representative of the system portrays the bad, and Navalny portrays the good. They are depicting, not being. Like most of us (again in postmodernity). But we don’t believe ourselves. But from time to time we trust others. Believing others is a dangerous and the only form of political in Russian.

Navalny left the political sphere for the archetypal, mythological. As a political declaration, he offers only the expectation of a miracle. Only the miracle itself can be worse than the expectation of a miracle. That is, the layout.

The main representative of the system portrays the bad, and Navalny portrays the good. When will the real Beavis and Butthead take off the masks of the State Border Service (the main representative of the system) and Navalny? The correct answer is never.

When completely mentally healthy people, political journalists, try to tighten the image of Alexey Navalny to the biblical, to Christian discourse in general, it becomes creepy. Not only are they willing to crucify him (metaphorically), not metaphorically - they literally prepare society for his death. They play on those foundations of the mass unconscious that reinforce totalitarianism. (So!)

Christianity, as a commercially successful administrative construct for two thousand years, is essentially an authoritarian and sado-masochistic ideology, which surpassed any state authoritarian regime in its harmfulness and danger.

Who is more terrible a tyrant or Christ? The tyrant will die, but the sinister authoritarian construct, legalized both by the mass unconscious and by social institutions, will remain. Religion is always more authoritarian than the state. Only nature is more totalitarian than a non-existent God. But that's a separate conversation.

Cynicism surrounds Alexey Navalny, alas, from all sides. Both on the part of the guardians and on the part of protesting worshipers who make a lamb out of him for slaughter, a sacred sacrifice.

"Navalny really got into good conditions, just wonderful ones", - writes a well-known journalist in narrow circles, posing as an independent.

Who else doubts that she is not a representative of the system? Previously, she at least tried to veil her position with pseudo-literary delights, but now, apparently, having merged mentally with the Yandex Zen audience, she suffered.

This is pure interior socialist realism of a desperate hysterical woman, cotton-wool catharsis, an ejected clot of language of the average Russian woman of the times of the Kremlin organized criminal group, filled with hatred for everyone who is at least in any way better than her.

She justifies socially close Butina, her anger based only on the fact (!) That someone enjoys privileges. This phenomenon is my yesterday's article in "Novye Izvestia". About the proletarian hierarchy "nobody will get anything".

The aforementioned journalist followed Butina into the long-forgotten Soviet-style swanky camp of footmen, singing: "Oh, it's good to live in a Soviet country!" Well, if it's so good, why are your faces so twisted?

She writes: “Now this person (a representative of sexual minorities who has long been bullied by her on social networks - author) is also sitting in New York and following the news from Russian Brooklyn. It can be seen that he is deeply disappointed. He is over forty, he rents a room with his boyfriend, who works somewhere as a nurse, he interrupts odd jobs: cutting salads, selling boiled pork, manufacturing swimming caps.

He left in 2014. During this time, I managed to visit a couple of dozen countries, gave birth to a child, became a famous publicist, wrote and published a book, built a house, and invested money profitably from the sale of existing housing. And he once went to a gay pride parade with a poster, got fat and got pills for depression".

What is this if not passive aggression and latent sadism of a deeply socially dissatisfied graphomaniac?

These passive aggressive women are in fact victims. We, in principle, live in a society of victims. Those people who do not have the will and desire to resist the created conditions, weave for themselves a cozy cocoon of illusions, where they identify themselves with the power that kicks and despises them and emphatically distance themselves from lone individuals capable of resistance. Vulgar perverse snobbery, tortured elitism, plebeian arrogance are simply off the charts. These neurotic deviations, to paraphrase Nietzsche, are their only way to endure themselves.

“Alexey Navalny writes from the colony“: If I have a tube, then maybe it will banish back pain and numbness in my legs”. And I hate people with a 90-point IQ vocabulary. "Restik", "buter", "Duha", "kartoha". The next circle of hell there is “pyatikhatka”, “poltokha”, “ruble” instead of “1000 rubles”, “potato”. Even if, instead of Kira Yarmysh, I were now under house arrest and considered Navalny's press secretary, I would have stood up, dropped everything and declared that I do not want to have any definite dealings with this person in the future! I don’t even want to think what the person who says “tube” is doing there on the bunk", - continues the aforementioned guardian of style.

The person who writes the graphomaniac socialist realist dull sheets teaches the prisoner to express himself! But the point is, of course, not in style, not in literature, not in language. The point is the outrageous and socially legalized immorality, in fact, the preaching of violence, arising from the putrid lips of a loyal subject.
