The last stronghold of democracy: the Gdov court acquitted the participant of the "forbidden" rally

The last stronghold of democracy: the Gdov court acquitted the participant of the "forbidden" rally

29 апреля 2021, 11:51
The city judge said at the trial that no permits are required for such events: people can gather freely to express their opinions and discuss politically significant issues.

Something incredible by today's standards is happening in the provincial town of Gdov, Pskov region. His native and now St. Petersburg politician Maxim Fyodorov took part on April 21 in the so-called "unauthorized rally". He was detained and tried. Fedorov himself described this process in his blog. It is simply impossible to believe in the verdict that the local judge passed... As one of the readers wrote: “Long live real justice! Gdov is a great city".

However, this is how everything happened in the retelling of Fyodorov himself:

“I have already spoken out somewhere about my Gdov period of life. Like what during its term you could see from my notes, photos, films and other means of transmitting information: here, in the God-saved land, everything is for real. We, gdovichi, give you a ray of hope - the hope that even in a stagnant state of simulacra real independent media can exist, real local self-government (even in conditions of utter poverty, but maybe), an impeccably honest person can be elected as the head of the district, and the leaders of public opinion are true enthusiasts and patriots of their land.

The trial that ended today was very important for me from only one point of view. That is, I was indifferent to any verdict if it took place - be it a fine, arrest, forced labor, or even execution. No, the question of principle was important: is there a real independent and fair court in our Gdov region? After all, for the same 20.2 h. 2 in St. Petersburg or Moscow, I would most likely have already spent the seventh day. And we have - the third part of the court session, all the necessary witnesses were called, the lawyer's requests were satisfied (divine Tatyana Martynova from the Apology of Protest) And even the judge himself, on his own initiative, made a request to the district administration, which is why the session passed into the third series. That is, until now everything was going for real. The question remained with the decision.

And today, Judge Andrey Shirokov, after short speeches by the participants (a representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, me and my defender), retired, as he said, for five to ten minutes to issue a ruling. While I was asking Tanya about the prospect of further progress in the case, and when it reaches the ECHR, Andrei Anatolyevich returned and announced the verdict. I was waiting for the final resume, but Tanya shone even earlier - at the words "guided by article 24.5..." and gave me a five.

In general, the case was dropped. The full resolution will be issued tomorrow afternoon, but immediately after the announcement of the operative part, Andrey Shirokov gave a short explanation.

“I can say in a nutshell why the court made such a decision. Because indeed, all the arguments that the lawyer presented (I will not list) - they are confirmed. So Alyona Sergeyevna (representative of the OMVD (Department of Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs) in the Gdovsky district), report to your superiors".

The judge listed all the violations committed by the police during the execution of the case, and in conclusion he gave a generally fantastic educational speech. He recalled that back in 2012 there was a decree of the regional administration on places in each district where people can go out without notifications and approvals at all (guide parks). And that there is such a thing in Gdov too.

“No permits are required for such events. Where people can gather, express their opinions, judgments, discuss some politically significant issues. Take a look! - the judge of the Gdovsky district court suggested to the policemen. - So what's the line-up? I don't know what the composition is. The meeting is closed, goodbye".

Now I listened to it and naturally a tear came. This is my land. This is real Russia. Come to Gdov...".

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