Posted 16 августа 2021,, 06:20

Published 16 августа 2021,, 06:20

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Anapa after the flood: the road to the airport was washed out, and the city is sinking in the sewers

16 августа 2021, 06:20
According to official data, more than 1.5 thousand people were affected by the showers in the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory. Blurred roads, flooded houses, thousands of people without electricity - this is not the whole list of the consequences of a cyclone. Thousands of tourists were also in distress.

Irina Mishina, Anapa

Incessant tropical downpours in the Kuban are recognized as the strongest over the past 10 years. Due to flooding in 14 municipalities of the Krasnodar Territory, an emergency regime has been declared. The beaches are closed on the coast. The central beach of Anapa is completely washed away by the downpours. Over the summer, this is the second time that the beach infrastructure of a children's resort is almost completely destroyed, but the local authorities seem to be making no conclusions from this.

Anapa, where the annual rainfall fell, turned out to be virtually cut off from civilization: the road to the airport is blurred, people get there knee-deep, and some are waist-deep in water, with suitcases in their hands and with children on their shoulders. The urban infrastructure of Anapa was also not ready for pouring rains. There were five sanatoriums in the water. To date, a total of about a thousand children have been evacuated from children's camps. Many are carried out of the buildings on their hands - the water on the street has reached an unprecedented level. Another half a thousand people from boarding houses, recreation centers and villages were transported to temporary accommodation centers.

The natural disaster left many questions. They arose not only to city services, but also to travel companies that sold not cheap tours at a price twice or three times higher than to Turkey in resorts with, to put it mildly, controversial conditions. So, in the Anapa boarding house "Cote d'Azur" tourists have occupied even the basement floors, which were flooded. Now water is pumped out of them with pumps. The lack of storm sewers in Anapa has caused a huge amount of water to accumulate on the streets. The territories of boarding houses and rest homes have practically turned into rivers and lakes. Flooded spa areas and indoor pools. Street toilets are flooded. The water, which no one is pumping either from the streets of Anapa, or from the territories of hotels, has turned into a fetid mass during the days of downpours. Hotel services justify themselves by the fact that it is dangerous to pump out the sewage overflowing the coast into the sea - this threatens the spread of E. coli on the coast. It turns out that living next door to this E. coli is not dangerous?

It is worth considering that Anapa is a children's resort, people come here on vacation with small children. Who will be responsible for creating conditions that threaten their health? At the same time, there are practically no “escape routes” in Anapa: the road to the airport is almost completely blurred. Today, the number one question is why there was no storm sewer at the children's resort and why the city does not have equipment for pumping out the sewage that poured into the streets? budget funds in this case seem absolutely inappropriate: the annual income from the tourist season only in Anapa is astronomical amounts.

For example, it was decided to spend the excess profits from the 2019 season on the improvement of the central embankment - the one that turned out to be washed out by downpours. Nobody remembered about the improvement of the city and storm sewers, which should be in any city where the mayor at least sometimes about people. At the same time, prices in Anapa are quite comparable to those in Moscow, and the tourist infrastructure is completely amazing: for example, the cost of one ticket to the dolphinarium for people over 3 years old is 1200 rubles, and the cost of one ticket to the Anapa water park on the central beach is from 1200 to 1800 rubles per person! At the same time, children in Anapa are considered children up to 145 cm tall.

One more thing should be added to the nuances of Anapa vacation. Recently, more and more complaints have been received from tourists that they are being accommodated in hotels under construction or not completed. Thus, the rest of some takes place almost at a noisy construction site or next to it. Summing up the impressions of this "pearl of children's recreation", one involuntarily comes to the thought: it is better to have a vacation in smoke-filled Turkey or in stuffy Egypt with a plane transfer than in Russian Anapa, which has sunk in the sewers ...