Posted 25 августа 2021,, 13:35

Published 25 августа 2021,, 13:35

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:38

Lusya Stein received a year of restriction of freedom on a "sanitary case"

Lusya Stein received a year of restriction of freedom on a "sanitary case"

25 августа 2021, 13:35
Moscow's Preobrazhensky Court sentenced Pussy Riot member and municipal deputy Lusya Stein to one year of restriction of freedom in the so-called "sanitary case" initiated after the January protests.

Stein and nine other activists are being tried for incitement to violate sanitary epidemiological rules during uncoordinated rallies during the spread of the coronavirus.

According to the court's decision, Stein will not be able to leave the house after ten o'clock in the evening and until six o'clock in the morning. She is also forbidden to participate in mass events, as well as to travel outside Moscow without the consent of the criminal executive inspectorate, writes "Interfax".

We will remind, earlier in this case, oppositionist Lyubov Sobol was sentenced to 1.5 years of restriction of freedom. On August 8, it became known that she had left the country. In addition, the brother of the Russian opposition leader Alexey Navalny, Oleg , received a suspended sentence. In addition to them, Oleg Stepanov, Anastasia Vasilyeva, Kira Yarmysh, Dmitry Baranovsky, Konstantin Yankauskas, Maria Alekhina and Nikolai Lyaskin were also involved in this case.

Protests were held in January-February this year in support of opposition leader Navalny, who was arrested after his return to his homeland. In February, the court replaced his suspended sentence with a real one in the Yves Rocher case.