Posted 9 сентября 2021, 07:02

Published 9 сентября 2021, 07:02

Modified 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

Updated 24 декабря 2022, 22:38

The Moral Code and the Sermon on the Mount: what Zyuganov and his comrades have surpassed in lying

9 сентября 2021, 07:02
Contrary to the assertions of the Communist Party leader, 12 points of the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism and 10 Christian Commandments have practically no intersection points

Yuri Voronin, communist

Unfolding the campaign for the election of deputies to the Eighth State Duma, Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G. Zyuganov came out with another theological work, with a statement "We will defend our national values and shrines!" national sovereignty, it looks like he is giving up and selling the last - Christ”.

Many people guessed about the craving of the communist number ONE, allegedly the "philosopher" -Marxist G. Zyuganov, to religion for a long time, since he began to appear in the media with a series of articles in defense of it and identification with the communist ideology.

"A powerful and cynical" psychic attack" on Orthodoxy", - said G. Zyuganov in a statement "We will defend our national values and shrines!" - is unfolding in Russia today". Meanwhile, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation is, in his words", - "in many ways is the representative of the Orthodox world in politics".

To be convinced of this, he suggested comparing the evangelical divine texts with political texts. “Put the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus and next to it the Moral Code of the builders of communism - one to one, you will just gasp”, - said G. Zyuganov on the air of Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda.

Let us take advantage of G. Zyuganov's suggestion and, in order to gasp, convince ourselves and convince the readers, we really put the full texts of these two documents side by side and compare their coincidences. Such an analysis has been made, but for clarity, we will only present their first points here.

Jesus Sermon on the Mount


Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are those who weep, for they will be comforted.

Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.

Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be satisfied.

Blessed are the merciful, for they will have mercy.

Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.

Blessed are those cast out for righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Blessed are you when they revile you and persecute you and in every way unrighteously revile you for Me.

The builder's moral code


1.Devotion to the cause of communism, love for the socialist homeland, for the socialist countries of communism

2. Conscientious work for the good of society: he who does not work does not eat.

3. Everyone's concern for the preservation and enhancement of the public domain.

4. High awareness of public duty, intolerance of violations of public interests.

5. Collectivism and comradely mutual assistance: each for all, all for one.

Already from the above-mentioned first points of the evangelical and political documents, one can see the absence of intersections. Bringing together 12 points of the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism and 10 Christian Commandments into one table to a simple conclusion: the 10 Commandments look very primitive and, most importantly, in fact, both sets of theses do not intersect at all on a number of points!

Unfortunately, in the methodological issue of the relationship between the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ and the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism, Doctor of Philosophy, leader of the opposition Communist Party of the Russian Federation G. Zyuganov blindly plays up to the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin, who for the sake of glorifying religion in December 2013 during the annual press conference in passing remembered the well-known perestroika story about the fact that the "Moral Code of the Builder of Communism" was ripped off from the 10 evangelical commandments. “The code of the builder of communism,” the president said then, “if you read it, it’s a pitiful copy from the Bible: don’t kill, don’t steal, don’t covet your neighbor’s wife. Everything is there in the code of the builder of communism, it is only stated in primitive language and reduced to disgrace. " From that moment on, the craving for religion, the Orthodoxy of G. Zyuganov became even more frank and ostentatious without hesitation.

Meanwhile, it is known that the specificity of official documents, which is the Moral Code, is such that they should be dry, emotionless and concise, capaciously reflecting the essence of the issue, which was set out back in 1961 in a political document - the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism. Let us especially emphasize that the overwhelming majority of the values laid down in the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism are directly opposed to the capitalist ideology, especially the one that Russian liberals have been building for the past thirty years. Hence the curtsies of the highest political power of Russia towards religion.

Soviet people, adhering to the principles of the Moral Code of the builders of communism, formed a special attractive community of citizens of the USSR, citizens of the victors of the most terrible community of fascists in Germany.

The leader of the communists did not just repeat V. Putin's thought about a pathetic copy of the Moral Code of the builder of communism with the Bible. He, as a "great scientist", Doctor of Philosophy (if he himself wrote a doctoral dissertation - which I really doubt) developed it. Trying to reconcile atheists and believers, the "Marxist" G. Zyuganov called Jesus Christ no more, no less, "the first communist on the planet." And here the thought of Doctor of Philosophy, unfortunately, was interrupted. But, having understood the logic of Zyuganov's reasoning, it is quite possible to continue it for him.

Let us recall the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount: “And large crowds followed Him from Galilee, and Decapolis, and Jerusalem, and Judea, and the region beyond Jordan. And He, seeing these crowds, went up the mountain; and when He sat down, His disciples came to Him. And He, opening His mouth, began to teach them...”.

Consequently, Jesus Christ was not only the first communist on earth, but, according to G. Zyuganov, having disciples, was their communist leader, whose line is still pursued by the leader of the Russian communists G. Zyuganov. And since “crowded crowds” followed him, he was also the leader of the opposition, from which over a thirty-year period, no matter how sorry the communists, the Russian “leader” began to withdraw, forming a new type of Zyuganov opportunism. To complete the theoretical thought of G. Zyuganov about Jesus as the first communist on the planet, it will be quite legitimate to replace the Hammer and Sickle with the face of Jesus Christ on the logo of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation.

“It is necessary to study the Bible, then you will understand a lot”, - advised G. Zyuganov. It is not surprising that the Russian Orthodox Church did not agree with such fabrications: “We do not consider it correct and appropriate to compare the incarnate God with any political and economic teachings, including communism. However, we remind you that the doors of Orthodox churches remain open for believers from all Russian parties".

Unfortunately, the new "theoretical" delights of the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation are being swallowed by the doctors of political science, academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who are surrounding him in the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Wonders!

The theoretical thought of the philosopher G. Zyuganov about Jesus Christ as the first communist on the planet can be continued further.

“The voters of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, - emphasizes G. Zyuganov, - are one third of believers. Our party is in many ways a representative of the Orthodox world in political affairs”.

I think Gennady Andreevich is disingenuous. In addition to representatives of the Orthodox world, the Communist Party of the Russian Federation has Christians of all other branches, Muslims, and Jews. Moreover, all three religions are similar to each other, grew up on the basis of old Judaism. It is known, for example, that the Quran is an abbreviated version of the Torah. And the first five books of the Orthodox Bible - Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy - are simply the Torah of the Jews translated from Hebrew into Greek, then into Slavic, and then into Russian.

Therefore, it is not surprising that all three religions bring up similar moral principles and lead the origins of the doctrine from common biblical foundations and characters. And the conclusion of the "theoretician" G. Zyuganov that "communist ideology and Christianity are almost one and the same" is very, very one-sided.

Does the new religious scholar G. Zyuganov know that, for example, 11 verses about justice are recorded in the Koran? So, in Sura Ali Imran, ayat - 18 we read: “Allah, angels and learned men testify that there is no god, except Him alone, Adhering to justice in everything. There is no god but Him alone, the Great and Wise".

Social justice according to Islam (Qur'an 57:25) consists in rewarding everyone according to their merit, equitably distributing public goods, ensuring the basic needs of people so that they can maintain their honor and dignity, guaranteeing equality of opportunity, which means that everyone has the same opportunities for development along the social ladder.

It will not be superfluous to remind the "philosopher" G. Zyuganov that the Torah, given by the Almighty, indicates that no society can exist for a long time if it is not based on a just social system. This is one of the so-called "seven mitzvots" given to the descendants of Noach, that is, given not to individuals, but to everyone without exception.

Why shouldn't the Doctor of Philosophy, Marxist (if he is still one) G. Zyuganov put the Torah, the Bible, the Koran next to him and make sure that the moral and ethical values in these holy books are practically the same and do if he entered the path seeking God, a more scientifically correct generalization that "...we rewrote the Moral Code of the builders of communism from the Bible, the Koran and the Torah".

The integration into power and the comparison of his political steps with the Kremlin, as he classically played along with the President of the Russian Federation V. Putin on the issue of the relationship between the Sermon on the Mount of Jesus Christ and the Moral Code of the Builder of Communism, began with the leader of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G. Zyuganov in October 1993, when he betrayed the interests of the left opposition, which called on Muscovites to resist the criminal Yeltsin regime and to defend the House of Soviets. From year to year, an unfavorable image of “imaginary opposition” is being formed in relation to the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and its leaders, which contributes to its consolidation in the role of a niche party, a party of the parliamentary type.

I would like to remind Mr. G. Zyuganov, a true Christian, what he considers himself to be, that after entering Jerusalem, Jesus Christ went straight to the temple and, seeing the merchants, expelled them, really showing his opposition to the regime. “And Jesus entered the temple of God and drove out all those who sold and bought in the temple, and overturned the tables of the money changers and the benches of those who sold doves, and said to them:“ ...My house will be called the house of prayer; and you made it a den of robbers".

Unlike the “communist number one” Jesus Christ, the current Russian “communist number one” G. Zyuganov, as soon as he entered the Duma, launched his nativity scene, turning the Communist Party of the Russian Federation into a business project. Millionaires G. Semigin, B. Ivanyuzhenkov, S. Muravlenko, A. Kandaurov, D. Voronenkov, V. Agaev, V. Kumin as true "supporters" of communist ideals "for free" at the suggestion of the religious "Marxist" leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation became deputies of the State Duma ... This fully "corresponds" to the ideology of Jesus Christ in Zyuganov style in reality.

Parliamentary elections are needed for the leaders of the Communist Party not to achieve a constitutional majority in it and change the political and economic course for the sake of the people, but in order to simply be in the State Duma in the second, third, fourth places, but to be (!!), continuing to use the Communist Party as business project of a new type. The leaders of the regional organizations of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation began to adhere to the same line. In other words, G. Zyuganov and his "students" have crossed a certain political line, they want to remain in the parliaments (read - at the trough) in second places, while physically they remain strong.

The main conclusion from the idolizing "Marxism" of Doctor of Philosophy, Communist Party leader G. Zyuganov is that the religious leadership of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation with the historical legacy of Marxism in the communist movement in Russia is pure fog, nonsense, so that ordinary communists would not notice and accept it. correct solution.

I would like to conclude the analysis with the stanza of Moiseeva's song: "Great and wonderful are Thy works, Lord God Almighty!" [1]

The word is for ordinary communists.

Yu. Voronin - Doctor of Economics, Professor,

member of the CPSU-KPRF since 1966;

member of the Central Commission of the Communist Party of the RSFSR (1990-1992);

Member of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (1992-1995);

member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation (1997-2000).

[1] Book of Revelation, chapter 15, verses 3,4
