Posted 20 сентября 2021,, 15:56

Published 20 сентября 2021,, 15:56

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

A million rubles will be paid to the families of the victims of the shooting in the Perm University

A million rubles will be paid to the families of the victims of the shooting in the Perm University

20 сентября 2021, 15:56
The families of people killed in the shooting at Perm State University were allocated a million rubles each from the reserve fund of the regional government as compensation. People injured during the shooting will receive half a million rubles.

Those who were injured as a result of the attack on educational institutions will be paid 100 thousand rubles as material assistance, according to the local news agency

As the newspaper notes, anyone can help the victims. To do this, it is necessary to direct funds to a charitable account opened on the basis of the Perm Regional Fund for Social Support of the Population.

Recall that 18-year-old first-year student Timur Bekmansurov burst into an educational institution on Monday morning. He opened fire on students. As a result of the incident, according to the Investigative Committee, eight people died. The regional Ministry of Health claims six dead and another 24 injured as a result of the attack on the university. 19 of them received gunshot wounds.

The attacker was eliminated during the arrest. A criminal case was initiated against him under the article "Murder".

After the incident, mourning was declared in the region, and all classes in schools and colleges were canceled. In educational institutions, the regional authorities instructed to check the security system so that such incidents do not happen again.