Posted 22 сентября 2021,, 06:12

Published 22 сентября 2021,, 06:12

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:36

Damage to soils from oil spills in Komi is estimated at 130 million rubles

Damage to soils from oil spills in Komi is estimated at 130 million rubles

22 сентября 2021, 06:12
The head of Rosprirodnador Svetana Radionova said that the damage to the soil as a result of the oil spill on the Lukoil pipeline in the Komi Republic has been calculated.

"Calculated: 130 million rubles", - quotes the words of the head of the department RIA Novosti.

Recall that the incident happened in mid-May. Then the oil gathering reservoir of the Lukoil-Severneftegaa Osh field was depressurized. Tons of oil spilled onto the shore and into the Kolva River itself. Inspectors from the Pechora Environmental Interdistrict Prosecutor's Office concluded that the accident had led to significant pollution of the soil and vegetation cover and the water area of the Kolva and Usa rivers.

On the fact of the incident, a criminal case was initiated on the pollution of water with oil products, which caused harm to the animal and plant world.