Posted 24 сентября 2021,, 17:31

Published 24 сентября 2021,, 17:31

Modified 25 декабря 2022,, 20:57

Updated 25 декабря 2022,, 20:57

From a teardrop of a child to a baby with a grenade

24 сентября 2021, 17:31
Алина Витухновская
On the morning of September 20, law student Timur Bekmansurov opened fire in the building of Perm State University. As a result, six people died, at least 40 more suffered from gunshot wounds and various injuries ...

Alina Vitukhnovskaya, writer

The Perm shooter is a classic case of a lower passionate who follows a senseless suicidal path. All this Letov's "To commit suicide, to destroy the whole world" is already very well inscribed in the matrix system itself. All deniers of this kind of world only assert its triumph, carrying out social apoptosis, mistaken for an apocalypse.

Bekmansurov has already been labeled as a psychopath. I have a long overdue question to psychiatrists and popularizers of psychiatry about the relevance of this term in principle. Through the prism of the diagnosis "psychopathy", it is especially visible how psychiatry is trying to expand its powers, appealing to certain moral categories, which, in principle, is unscientific.

What is the use of the very wide range of feelings experienced by the "ordinary person"? Which you consider to be some kind of subsistence "norm". Especially if this "ordinary person" lives in Russia, in the eternal neo-socialist delirium, in everyday and economic hell. That is, all his feelings, if he is adequate and honest with himself, are a continuous negative. There is a great temptation to label all these "ordinary feelings" as "neuroses", on that and calm down.

From the description of the "psychopath" it follows neither more nor less that this is some kind of "superman", in fact - an ideal. Unsurprisingly, teenagers strive to be just that. It's scary to imagine how the children of the stagnant 70s and 80s felt. Scary, but possible. They lived in a gray dank Brezhnev fog, a space of hopelessness.

The suppressed personality, formed by the totalitarian structure of society, did not find a way out except in the normalized self-destruction through alcoholism or through tedious low-paid work. Any existential revolt in the limit crossed the boundaries of the legal. Thus, much, if not all, that could be called life was in the realm of crime and / or sheer madness. And not art and literature, as the timid intelligentsia tried to inspire themselves. It was not for nothing that reading (in the form as it was accepted) was associated with the prohibition on life. From books I learned not about, first of all, that there is "another life", but about that obvious, but unspoken fact - that there is no life here, in Russia, and will not be. But then in this sluggish timelessness the embryo of freedom was already glimmering. Now, in the dictatorship that is petrifying before our eyes, there is no longer a hint of light. Therefore, in order to imagine how Timur Bekmansurov felt, one must imagine how a deeply sensitive teenager felt during Brezhnev's stagnation and multiply by a hundred.

Over the past many years, the propaganda machine has been operating at full capacity, which has resulted in a major shift in the field of the mass unconscious. The economic depreciation of peaceful life absolutely coincided with its penny cost in the war. It is not surprising that Timur's father made a living as a mercenary in hot spots. This could not but affect the child's labile psyche. Another 10 years of militaristic propaganda and teenagers with weapons at school will be replaced by babies with grenades in maternity hospitals.

In one of the dialogues, I was asked if I want to abolish psychiatry itself? No. I would make it an exclusively theoretical science without the absolute right to label citizens in the legal field. That is, it would somewhat narrow its possibilities. What does modern psychiatry do? In fact, it is engaged in culling the population. I do not mean the relief of acute psychoses and schizophrenia, these are exceptions. Thus, psychiatry is a kind of inquisition in the world of soft violence.

The most honest professionals of Russian psychiatry are outraged by the primitive reaction of their colleagues to the university execution. So, Vladimir Mendelevich, a psychiatrist professor from Kazan, writes:

“Psychiatrists, who rushed to comment on the tragic incident in Perm, showed the society their professional grin and wretchedness. I am extremely embarrassed to write about this, but I also consider it wrong not to write. After all, society must learn to determine where the real expert is, and where, excuse me, the professional idiot.

You've probably noticed the wild discord in the opinions of psychiatrists about the personality of the "Perm shooter". He was diagnosed with "megalomania", and "expansive psychopathy", and "sluggish schizophrenia." Someone recognized that he was “processed with the help of neurolinguistic programming” via the damned Internet and that he could not resist as a “true schizoid”.

In general, psychiatrists have demonstrated a brilliant command of incomprehensible terminology and diagnostics at a distance. And now everything has become much clearer to the layman.

Sorry, but I would like to remind such would-be psychiatrists that we have adopted strict laws, the violation of which takes a person in a white coat out of the profession.

For example, the Epoch Principle (with an emphasis on the last vowel), deciphered as "abstaining from premature judgment" explicitly prohibits any diagnostic conclusion until a personal, impartial, professional psychiatric examination (interviewing) has been carried out.

Another principle - "mental health presumptions" about the same - every person is mentally healthy until proven otherwise. Note - proven, not spoken in the press.

Psychiatrists, who jumped out of the snuffbox like devil with their intricate opinions about the personality of Timur Bekmansurov, God is the judge and the ethical committee of the society of psychiatrists.

And I wish my Facebook friends to meet exceptionally normal psychiatrists on the path of life, of whom the majority. Of course, if you are interested in them".

I really want to hope that the orthodox and authoritarian norms of Russian psychiatry will be revised in the interests of humanism in the very near future.