Posted 18 октября 2021,, 07:39

Published 18 октября 2021,, 07:39

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Naro-Fominsk trial: the defender of the forest near the village of Selyatino is threatened with imprisonment

18 октября 2021, 07:39
On October 19, Tuesday, at 14-00, the Naro-Fominsk court, represented by federal judge Travkin, will consider the case of environmental activist Tatyana Pavlova under Article 20.2 of the Administrative Offenses Code.

The article is about "Violation of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting, demonstration, procession or picketing".

The article threatens to impose an administrative fine from twenty thousand to thirty thousand rubles, or compulsory work for up to fifty hours, or administrative arrest for up to ten days.

Sergey Lvov

What kind of a terrible offense for the authorities near Moscow was committed by citizen Pavlova?

The interviewed residents of the village of Selyatino, who on October 9 organized a MEETING at the memorial sign to the pilots, amicably told the "NI" correspondent: Pavlov is being tried for nothing!

"According to Article 7 of Federal Law 54-FZ “On Rallies”, the meeting does not require a notification to be submitted to local authorities. The residents invited the well-known environmental activist Tatiana Pavlova to the meeting. After the event, she was one of all the participants in the action, was detained by the police, she was accused of organizing an uncoordinated event", - says the Selyatinsky activist Leonid Bakhrevsky.

According to Leonid, Pavlova moved from Selyatino to another city near Moscow long ago, and in the village itself there are quite active and literate people who organized a meeting and a video message to the Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov -

And what is characteristic: the police who came to the meeting of citizens did not even try to find out who, in fact, was the instigator of the gathering, and immediately took Tatyana, first to her Naro-Fominsk branch, and then to court, where the federal judge Travkin was already waiting for the "troublemaker".

"I was not sentenced only because there was no defense lawyer in the court', - says Tatiana. - The meeting was postponed to Tuesday, October 19"

- Did the judge summon other participants in the meeting who were ready to confirm your non-participation in his organization?

- No, I didn't. Although they were there and asked to hear their testimony ...

Such a strange "justice" can be easily explained: Pavlova is an activist with more than 10 years of experience. Her track record already included arrests, fines, and arrests for participating in protest actions. However, this time the local authorities seem to have miscalculated. And the problem is not only that she had nothing to do with the organization of the meeting, but in the theme of this very meeting.

Disputes over the clearing of the Selyatinsky forest have been going on for at least 8 years. Slavtrans-Service JSC agrohub is trying to put tens of hectares of federal forest under the ax in order to pave a new road to its fast-growing warehouses. By the way, this hub cut down 50 hectares of forest earlier for its own needs.

But this does not suit the 14 thousand inhabitants of Selyatino, whose village on one side rests on the Kiev highway, on the other - in the Central Ring Road, and on the third - against the railway. Destruction of the relict forest will catastrophically worsen the ecology of the entire area. At the same time, the defenders of the forest are not at all against the road as such. They offer an alternative route - through the industrial zone along the railway tracks (where it is planned according to the general plan). The bypass road through the industrial zone will not only direct all freight transport to bypass the village (up to 600 trucks are already entering Selyatino today!), But will also save the forest from cutting down. More than 1000 residents of Selyatino, a settlement with only a dozen quiet streets, have already signed up to this demand!

The question is, what kind of threats to the existing regime are the fighters for the Selyatinsky forest?

And why don't they get together for half an hour and record a video message to their elected governor Vorobyov?

The piquancy of the situation also lies in the fact that 8 years ago, in 2013, it was Vorobyov who stopped the felling of this particular forest and released the arrested Tatyana Pavlova from the prison! He flew to Selyatino by helicopter to meet with activists.

But then Andrei Yuryevich Vorobyov was in the state of acting governor and was actively preparing for the elections for the first term.

Today the head of the Moscow region does not need the support of citizens, and therefore no meetings, rallies and gatherings, and Tatyana Pavlova, once rescued from persecution by the authorities, is going to be tried even without questioning the witnesses of the "crime".


The civil society in Selyatino not only collects signatures and "buzz" in full view of ordinary people. For example, the Ecological Center of the settlement, which was created by the mother and daughter of the Pavlovs.

Anyone can bring unnecessary things and items to the site designated by the municipal authorities with several warehouse rooms - from old car tires and dead batteries to shoes and clothes, which are distributed free of charge to people in need.

This is an example of effective cooperation between public activists and local authorities represented by the head of the district Roman Shamne.

The farm is run by Tatyana's mother, Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlova, a person of the kindest soul and great vitality.

True, at the words "court", "fine" and "prison" in relation to her "honest, intelligent and most beautiful daughter" involuntary tears roll in Lyudmila Mikhailovna's eyes.

It is a pity that the governor Vorobyov is worried not by maternal tears, but by the bravura report on "the suppression of the antisocial or anti-state activities of Mrs. Pavlova T".

Will she really be delighted with the activist's conviction?