Posted 20 октября 2021,, 08:17

Published 20 октября 2021,, 08:17

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Personal experience: homophobic patients went on the war-path

20 октября 2021, 08:17
It turns out that for people seeking medical care, it is not the professional qualities of doctors that are important, but their nationality, religion or sexual orientation.

A well-known Moscow doctor, director of one of the clinics, Pavel Brand, received a letter from one of the patients in which he complained that a gay doctor was working at the clinic.

"Do you understand how stressed a patient is when a gay doctor asks him to undress?", - including that asks.

Brand admitted that “he was so freaked out by this question that he even forgot to say hello...”, - and he answered the patient:

"We employ not only gays, but also Jews, Armenians, Azerbaijanis, Muslims, Buddhists, vegetarians and even raw foodists... We are sure that the professional qualities of a doctor are much more important than his religion, nationality or sexual orientation..."

Despite this witty answer from Brand, the problem remains, and largely because of the patriarchal, to put it mildly, position of the state, which not only does not seek to soften such contradictions, but, on the contrary, incites them in every possible way. The reason is extremely simple: to retain power in authoritarian states, it is necessary to maintain mistrust and fear among its citizens so that they cannot unite. And yet, in relation to doctors, this situation looks especially outrageous. Brand's colleagues agree with him in the comments:

- I remember once a patient refused blood transfusion, having read the donor's surname on the label - Rabinovich. Now the donor's surname is not indicated, only the code.

- How did it become known? Did the doctor tell the patient about his preferences right away? Or the patient, wherever he comes, asks everyone himself? And only a doctor can’t be gay? And a nurse, an X-ray technician, a paramedic - can they? Are there medical specialties, where is it possible? Well, like a gay neurologist is awful, but a gay ENT is fine. Eh, continuous questions without an answer.

- I think that in any other clinic, the management rushed to take an explanatory letter from the doctor and look for his letter of resignation, signed, but without a date. Just in case. In order to avoid.

- Maybe the problem is that the doctor at the reception tells (or makes it clear in another way) that he is gay? (Vegan, Hare Krishna, Armenian, Liberal, etc.) and this can really turn out to be an unpleasant conversation for a patient of other views. How did the patient know the doctor was gay? And if he immediately knew why he went?

- I once had to sort out a complaint about a mammologist doctor in one of our clinics. The patient wrote that the doctor "grabbed the tit". The doctor, of course, flew in (after all, it should be softer, softer). The clinic prepared a response that the doctor was trying to establish a relationship of trust. In general, after such an answer, the head of the clinic also flew in...

- And I was investigating the other day a complaint from a 30-year-old woman that a doctor therapist asked her to undress and take off her bra!!! In her words, she had not felt such shame for a long time... Naturally, she asked for a refund for the consultation... And then I could not resist and looked at her profile in fb ... Young, beautiful in a bathing suit in the profile photo... And such a "shy" in life...

“You’ll hear more from patients”. Unfortunately, one has to constantly deal with such deeply unhappy people. The main thing is not to stoop to their level. The answer is just wonderful...