Posted 8 ноября 2021,, 07:44

Published 8 ноября 2021,, 07:44

Modified 25 декабря 2022,, 20:57

Updated 25 декабря 2022,, 20:57

Servants of the systemic delusion, or why Oksimiron is not Pushkin

8 ноября 2021, 07:44
Алина Витухновская
Do you have Oksimiron as a "new Pushkin"? Well, OK. You cannot prohibit to degrade. In principle, for the layman to degrade under a dictatorship is to survive. But to survive is not to live.

Alina Vitukhnovskaya, writer

Post-Soviet people, like Soviet people before them, are by nature ontological survivalists. Therefore, their militant part always strives to destroy everything truly alive and talented in the name of the inanimate and incompetent.

As for Pushkin, here we see an obvious proverb. Pushkin is, first of all, a systemic person. And then a good poet. Exactly. And not vice versa. Otherwise, his monument would not have flaunted among the imperial capital. And it’s interesting, now you don’t need “the best Pushkin”, but the worst one. You can't stand the best.

What is trauma? It's not even a soft version of the tragedy. This is an anti-tragedy. The triumph of the profane man. Can a “hero” be injured? Did the eagle hurt Prometheus? No, of course, the hero cannot be injured. But the hero also became a profane concept. Management construct. Then so - is it possible to injure the subject? The correct answer is no.

The present time is the time of pseudo-heroes, profane actors wandering in the darkness of their own illusions. Even Cervantes' character, Don Quixote, is a much greater hero, albeit tied to idealism.

The new "heroes" do not have ideals, but they also lack rationality. Simply put, they have no reason to fight, but only because they don't even have a reason to be. Hamlet's question - "To be or not to be?" hangs in the form of another - "How to avoid both states?"

In principle, a non-subject is in some way the swaying reed of non-being. But in order to “not be” his will is not enough. Unfortunately, such entities involve a bored audience in their ant dance of death. Their systemic (!) Task is to give the viewer the necessary substitution - instead of fighting the dictatorship, potential rebels go not against tyranny, but to psychoanalysts.

The best treatment for an injury is financial compensation. And a complete decoupling from false imprinted attitudes. For some, this is childhood and family. And in this case, you must run directly from the family. And not to waste all these pseudo-complex relationships, by no means high, often microbial, communally schematic.

In general, I would subtract from my life all experiences that are not unique. Zeroed out. I took it out of the brackets. And for this I have the tools. Even within the framework of the existing basic definitions of the local logocratic GULAG.

By the way. Poems from "rubbish" do not grow. Ideas too. The idea of the origin of poems and ideas from "rubbish", from somewhere outside - is the play of a lax, subjectless, swampy, flickering consciousness. Having reasons somewhere outside of himself. Simply put - madness, for some reason legalized by the local cultural environment as the norm.

I still gathered my will into a fist and listened to Oksimiron to the end. See what you offer me in terms of current poetry, contemporary culture and life position. I quote: "To become freer, one must not be afraid of self-defecating". Ksenia Sobchak already quotes this on her Instagram with the remark "I subscribe under every word."

A regiment of court pseudo-heroes has arrived. In the context of the latest revelations of torture in the Saratov colony, the topic of the “omitted” hierarchy is becoming a topical trend. While some are humiliated in prisons, others, in the so-called freedom, work out and work through the traumatic experience gained. Or even getting ready to receive it.

This is not to say that someone is rebelling. On the contrary, everyone is happy with everything. There is a problem. And there is a "solution." For a Russian, this monstrous experience is identical with fate; it is life itself for him. And that's why he doesn't want to give it up. He wants to endlessly experience and process him, like a sadomasochist. And, however, why is it similar?

The fecal-anal theme is a classic kindergarten problem, a Freudian abscess of the eternal infantile, which is projected onto the entire subsequent life of a Soviet, and now a post-Soviet person. In all seriousness with the appeal "Don't piss!" the graying idols of the intelligentsia, "opinion leaders" are turning to each other. Somewhere in the coffin, Yukio Mishima turns over. Quietly, in a Mamleev way, Limonov pauses.

While the public revels in savoring Oksimiron's reflections, a number of media outlets published an article where former prisoners of the Pokrovsk colony IK-2 talked about the bullying of Navalny. Naturally, the question arises - are we not witnessing a deliberate informational stuffing made in order to cover the prison topic about Navalny and thus divert the focus of public attention to another sphere?

Even representatives of the opposition paint us power through the prism of archaic traditionalist values. Which include, among other things, sexual superiority, flaunting sexuality, the ability to have more partners.

You write "the power of the impotent." Do you seriously think that they are coming to power for the sake of the opportunity to indulge in amorous pleasures unrestrainedly? Or is the power for you the very "dragon from a fairy tale" from which young virgins bought off?

Sexuality and sex as such are not only rapidly becoming an atavism, they have long become super-accessible, moreover, to any strata of the population. Therefore, speaking of power in a similar style, you, unfortunately, label yourself as representatives of the archaic.

Being inside the schizoid decaying Russian cheap popular nightmare, we have a unique opportunity to literally count over the heads of those who initiate, disseminate and support the systemic darkness.

We would not be able to recognize these people and their intentions, being inside a more prosperous picture of the world. This is perhaps the only plus of all that we are seeing at the moment.