Posted 10 ноября 2021,, 08:45

Published 10 ноября 2021,, 08:45

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

TV is thrilled: Biden farted - West collapsed

TV is thrilled: Biden farted - West collapsed

10 ноября 2021, 08:45
Coming out of a forced vacation due to a covid lockdown, TV armed itself with super-hot news, again created on the sidelines of the climate summit. Allegedly, the President of the United States broke wind loudly in the presence of the Duchess of Cornwall Camilla, well, and other dukes and peers too.

Sergey Mitrofanov

At the same time, the Duchess of Cornwall was so amazed and embarrassed that she even blushed. (* The tone and length of the sound are discussed) Conclusion: something is wrong with the US President, and the US itself too. It's a shame, but they are still going to fight with us.

In conjunction with Biden's shame, another "shameful" news went: In California, a tanker was launched, named after the first openly gay politician in the country, activist Harvey Milk, who fought (he was actually shot in 1978) for LGBTQ rights. The ceremony was held in the city of San Diego on November 6, 2021.

Describing the ceremony, Television drew attention to the fact that a bottle of champagne was beaten against the side of a tanker by transgender Navy veteran Paula M. Neira. At the same time, the bottle did not seem to have been broken ("clumsy Neira!"), Although we clearly saw a splash of champagne.

Then the ball of discussion fell to the joyful and ill-excited experts.

Deputy Zhuravlev combined the theme of Biden's shame and tanker shame into one big shame of the West, but he seems to have defended Biden: “It is better to be old and gray-haired and slightly fart than healthy young and slightly p ... rila. The thesis was even placed on a separate plate from the "insert the missing letters" series.

Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy and Other Information Stuff Oleg Matveychev from United Russia suddenly remembered Boris Yeltsin, who allegedly urinated on the landing gear of his presidential plane abroad, and concluded that Biden's shame falls into a single trend of degradation of liberalism. As for America, its "90s" are still ahead.

The pro-Russian ex-deputy from Ukraine Spiridon Kilinkarov played up the topic of gases for a long time and “funny”. So, gas pollution was discussed at the summit, and then Biden with his own natural interior gas. In general, Biden presented a huge gift to Russian TV.

About the tanker: "It will walk backwards".

At the same time, one should ask: did this episode with Biden actually take place and was the Duchess Camilla of Cornwall really embarrassed (tea, also not a girl)? Media opposition to Biden spoke about the source as a "high-ranking informant", that is, the source is unknown, and about the Duchess of Cornwall: "She laughed all evening." That is, again, nothing like shock and some kind of embarrassment.

We should also note that in Western culture, in contrast to the sanctimonious Soviet, there are two options: not to attach much importance to the natural manifestation of human defectiveness (farted and farted, business-like) and at the same time the awkwardness of turning into a nasty burlesque comedy, "American Pie", Which was obviously done by the conservative pro-Trump tabloids.

For the Russian modern TV, any bast (or awl) is in line: America is dying, its 90s are on its way, Biden is Yeltsin. But our correctly oriented tanks (* Skabeyeva's militaristic humor) will respond to any threat.

About Saakashvili .

The TV has been powered by Biden's winds all week, but it has also been for the second week and has shown an irrational hatred for the ex-president of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili.

As you know, the Georgian Saakashvili was imprisoned in a Georgian prison for illegal entry into Georgia. This is somewhat reminiscent of Navalny, but not a very terrible crime, if you think about it, and he was sentenced to only 3.5 years, almost like Pussy Wright.

At the same time, "more than half" of Georgia does not consider Saakashvili a criminal at all, but Russian TV does not hesitate in denouncing the unfortunate man. He is de and a war criminal (?), And a murderer, and a "fat pig" (!), - so without any hesitation said the adviser of the United Russia faction Mikhail Markelov). And special hatred is caused by the ex-president's hunger strike, which clearly does not provoke TV to "mercy to the fallen," in contrast to the pre-revolutionary Russians who carried food to the highways along which convicts were transported.

Here, "once you starve, you must die, and if you do not die, then your hunger strike is fake, and you yourself are a fat pig". Hidden camera footage showing that Saakashvili is really eating something from a small jar. (* True, he does not hide the fact that the water is with honey. Well, the politician does not want to die, he was counting on something else when returning to Georgia).

At the same time, for example, as an outside observer and an independent viewer of the screen, it remains incomprehensible to me: what did Saakashvili do to you, that is, the Russian propaganda machine, that you are so unhuman with him?

Migrant crisis on the border with Poland

And here is the story. Suddenly, a crowd of migrants from Iraq and Syria formed on the border with Poland and Belarus from the side of Belarus, where the forests are impenetrable. And they all climbed into Poland, for some reason not staying in the friendly Lukashenka Belarus, but preferred to keep in mind the ultimate goal of the campaign - Germany.

Poland and the European Union as a whole, this situation was regarded as a provocation by Putin and Lukashenko in order to weaken the European Union. And Television interpreted it as the loss of the principles of humanism by the European Union. “Why are you sorry to feed them and build a tent camp? tea, you will not become poor. "

Nevertheless, there is a certain logic in the Polish comments and accusations. How, interestingly, a large detachment of migrants reached the border, when in Lukashenka's Belarus and Russia and the aborigines do not gather more than three, is it dangerous? Where did they come from in Belarus, which is far from Iraq and Syria?

In other words, for suspicions that the traffic was organized by the Eastern European intelligence service for certain purposes is still there. It turns out that Belarus is torpedoing the Polish border with migrants, and TV motivatedly screams about the approach of a big war. Moreover, within the framework of this story, the accumulation of Russian forces and equipment near Yelnya (250 km from the border with Ukraine and 150 km from the border with Belarus) is also justified. We keep our troops there for various, including unpredictable situations.

What do you think?
