Posted 12 ноября 2021,, 06:29

Published 12 ноября 2021,, 06:29

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Data of half a million fake covid certificates' buyers leaked online

Data of half a million fake covid certificates' buyers leaked online

12 ноября 2021, 06:29
A database with personal data of more than 500 thousand residents of Moscow and the Moscow region, who bought fake certificates of vaccination against COVID-19 and the passing of a PCR-test, appeared on the darknet.

According to Kommersant, the file contains passport data, SNILS, telephone number and place of residence, data on the date of receipt of the forged document.

The seller of the database told the newspaper's correspondent that a file containing a thousand lines costs $ 120 (about 8.5 thousand rubles).

According to Ashot Hovhannisyan, the founder of the DLBI data leak intelligence and darknet monitoring service, the creators of the sites themselves could have merged the data on the purchase of fake certificates. The cybercriminals may also aim to further blackmail their customers.

“Taking into account the fact that it is proposed to strengthen the responsibility for the use of fake QR codes to criminal, this can become a new gold mine for fraudsters”, - the expert said.

On the eve in Khabarovsk, police officers, we recall, detained six townspeople suspected of acquiring fake covid certificates.

Earlier it was reported that the purchase of certificates of allegedly passed covid vaccination took on a massive scale in Russia.