Posted 18 ноября 2021,, 08:36

Published 18 ноября 2021,, 08:36

Modified 25 декабря 2022,, 20:57

Updated 25 декабря 2022,, 20:57

White-red-white flag of Russian poetry

18 ноября 2021, 08:36
Алина Витухновская
Literary life is at last seething. The laureate of the Poetry Prize, established by Vitaly Pukhanov, was Maria Malinovskaya with the poem “White-red-white flag”. Dmitry Bykov spoke most adequately about the prize:

Alina Vitukhnovskaya, writer

“You see, if you read this poem, it becomes clear that it is exactly how the current politicians - NRZB - poison the NRZB relationship. There is no white-red-white symbolism here, there is no Lukashenko's or any other protest. This is a poem about love, about how relationships are destroyed.

I think these are good poems, although, in my opinion, if their form were stricter, they would look more musical and expressive. But everyone writes as best they can. And, in my opinion, Maria Malinovskaya is a good poet. Hype, who flared up because of this and who turned to the secretary of the award, its director Vitaly Pukhanov - he’s not here in a dream, nor in spirit to the results of this vote, - he once again shows the degree of tension in society and once again shows that people's anger is now turning to absolutely anything, to any statement that is even slightly different. Well, then they will, as always, exterminate the faithful".

Most go into hysterics, some even defiantly left the jury of the award.

What do the network showdowns around the poem by Maria Malinovskaya remind me of? Yes, the Soviet party committee! Which, "God" had mercy, I have never seen, but I'm sure he looked like that. Is it possible to write verses with obscenities? (Spoiler yes). Is it possible write without studying at the Literary Institute. Of course! This is generally a masterpiece, I will quote - "And what are the beliefs (even if they are not just an imitation of" progressive thinking "), for the sake of which you can offend and trample another person?

That is, a discussion of the poem from a moral and ethical point of view. The Soviet Union disappeared, but the Soviet people remained. They have even become entrenched in their ontology. Boring. Corrosive. Petty. Envious. Showy moralists and supporters of "all sorts of rules." "Lord," what a mortal melancholy!

In general, I can't stand poems about love. I don't believe in them. In the poem Malinovskaya heroine is 15 years old. Therefore, it looks quite convincing. In general, I believe that falling in love and loving is possible (interesting) only for teenagers. Further - all the blasé-fake, all so tortured, and for the majority - under the dictates of social coercion.

Really. People form pairs to "be like everyone else". That is, not to be yourself. Well, yes. To be like everyone else is, first of all, not to be yourself. Didn't you know? There are, of course, adults who write about adult love. Like Vera Polozkova, for example. But Vera Polozkova is such a fool in the law. There is also Sola Monova - but she is "in the similitude". Sola Monova is about money. The love of rational adults, especially those who support (and know why) the presentation is about money. Didn't you know? Well, that is, you just pretended.

Is Lolita possible without Humbert? Not only possible, but this is real Lolita. What is Humbert? No more than the true face of a society that has entered into its rights ahead of schedule. Humbert is a social diktat, a kind of collective “adult”. The one who selects childhood, authenticity (lolithicity) through its desacralization, first by sexuality, and then by the obligation of reproduction.

It's good that I had no authorities, no one could spoil me. In Russia, it is quite possible to learn from someone else's experience. Not right. But how not necessary. There are no beautiful biographies. In the literature, for example. One Sorokin rises like a monument. But this is not enough for me.

Russian literature has long lost to glamor. Yes Yes. One glamorous diva on the cover is more impressive than the entire school literary program. It is obvious. But you will never admit it. Therefore, you have rejected glamor. So as not to annoy. The look was not distorted. Doesn't irritate the consumer of spirituality. Resentiment is more convenient to experience in a communal apartment, in the kitchenette, with a bad landscape outside the window, with body-positive girlfriends. Even with the Poetry Prize it came out wild. Everyone is nervous (and because!) That a young beauty got it. How did it happen? Not by the rules. Not fair.

This is all such slyness - talk that someone will enter eternity, which supposedly will cover the suffering of life, etc., etc. Eternity is an empty modernist refrigerator. There is nothing and no one there. People want fame now. Preferences - now. Confessions - now. And some of the authorities want it now. And not after the death of the "guarantor". The social apocalypse is the moment when from the masks only the antique ones are relevant. The rest (social) can be reset. Yes, they themselves fall off. And what is behind them? A crowd of faceless people.

Who are they, the new beggars, who climb into the oil gulag ear (but cannot get out)? Deliberately "spiritual", internally boundless. Body positive. Psychologically (supposedly) stable. Worked psychotrauma. Worried about the inside, not the outside. Rejecting glamor. But at the same time, incredibly arrogant. As if educated. But at the same time, monstrously boring. As if they were smart. But in fact, they are petty-cunning. Show off loving yourself. Infantilely addressing themselves in a diminutive-affectionate form. Why then does your love not pay dividends? Why do you look so creepy? Why is your life so sad? Yes, because you don’t want to pay a dime for love (even in the first place) for yourself.