Posted 13 декабря 2021,, 10:40

Published 13 декабря 2021,, 10:40

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Postponed does not mean forgotten: what does the decision not to bring in QR-codes on transports mean?

13 декабря 2021, 10:40
Experts believe that the statement on the cancellation of this measure was made to divert the attention of the population from making even more unpopular decisions, which, in their consequences, will be more negative for citizens than QR-codes.

In social networks, a sensational statement is being actively discussed that the State Duma will consider on Monday the issue of removing the bill on QR codes in transport, which was made by State Duma speaker Vyacheslav Volodin in his telegram channel. According to him, this is the result of taking into account the views of the regions and citizens' appeals. It is no secret that protests against this measure took place in many regions of the country, including in Volodin's native Saratov region. It was not for nothing that Putin, at a meeting with the HRC members, said that it is necessary to study "in the most careful way, whether the transport system is ready in order not to restrict the rights of people" and "to act very carefully, balanced, not to create additional problems" for citizens.

It is worth noting that Volodin's post on the withdrawal of the bill on QR-codes on transport received almost 200 thousand views and 30 thousand reviews overnight.

However, this news did not cause much optimism among experts.

QR-codes will be canceled temporarily, they will be back soon

So, the publicist Anatoly Nesmiyan is sure that this decision is temporary:

“The decision voiced by Volodin that the bill on QR codes in transport will be removed from consideration says little. If only because a deferred bill can always be returned back. Secondly, the codes act as such and will continue to act as restrictions in other industries - trade, public catering. And in general - no one is going to cancel the very idea of digital apartheid. Most likely, this is a concession before two events - Putin's press conference (to create a favorable background) and before the vaccination of adolescents. It is important for the regime to loyalize the population and to increase the percentage of those who were injected as soon as possible. And they will return to QR-codes later.

In pursuit of the uplifting news about the postponed bill on the introduction of QR codes in transport. The Ministry of Transport of Russia will deal with the elaboration of certain provisions of the draft law on QR-codes in transport, the media reported. Translated into Russian: don't rejoice. We will be back. The phrase "individual provisions" means that in general the decision has been made, but there are little things that need to be finalized with a file.

By the way, the very fact that the bill, like the tail of Eeyore's donkey, comes in and out, best of all demonstrates the idiocy of the initial premise: "We urgently need to provide QR codes, otherwise everyone will get sick and die!" It turns out that if necessary, you can postpone it, and there are no problems. QR codes are not about fighting disease. It's about fighting the people..."

The very threat of accepting QR-codes has already helped the authorities achieve their goals

Political technologist Roman Alekhin believes that the bill on the introduction of QR codes can no longer be adopted:

This is exactly the case where communicating a possible solution worked better than the solution itself would. At the same time, all this information hype helped to kill not even two, but many more birds with one stone.

First. While the budget was being adopted with a decrease in social obligations and an increase in articles on the security forces, people blew steam into QR codes in transport. There will be no QR-codes, but the quality of healthcare will continue to deteriorate amid falling funding. Such a victory for civil society.

Second. Any such social experiment reveals people who are internally ready to oppose power and laws. Moreover, this is a good tool uses CROWS and their targets. This goal has been achieved.

Third. Taking into account and discussion of the bill in the regions, it made it possible to use the "constraint of one chain" of the center and the subjects of the Federation and show loyalty. Prove not only loyalty, but also that you are yours for the gang and a stranger to those outside of it. Thus, a gang member also begins to understand, as soon as he leaves the gang, he can be torn apart by the relatives of the victims or imprisoned. At the same time, often the heads of groups are not stained with blood.


The main thing that is important to understand is that the very threats of accepting QR-codes helped to achieve goals and increase the rate of vaccination tenfold, which was required by the authorities and the main lobbyists from Bigpharm. Now that the goals have been practically achieved, this tool can be put aside and look for others.

It's the same as with a weapon: you don't have to shoot from it. Yes, and most often there is no target to shoot. As a result, it should be noted that the stratagem worked, and strengthened their ranks, having secured an unpopular agreement to everything on the principle of "mutual responsibility", and also distracted the attention of the population from making even more unpopular decisions, which, in their consequences, would be more negative for citizens than QR-codes..."

The fuss over QR-codes is just undercover political games

Political analyst Abbas Gallyamov is also sure that Volodin's words mean little to Russians:

“A legal fuss has begun around the project on the introduction of QR-codes in transport. Yesterday night Volodin wrote on his TG channel that the bill "will be removed from consideration." Immediately after that, "a source close to the government" told RBC that "the Ministry of Transport and the State Duma will postpone consideration" of the bill. The note specifies that this draft "this week will not reach the first reading in the State Duma, work on the document will continue." A source in the Ministry of Transport clarified to RBC that it was decided "the expediency of further elaboration of certain provisions of the draft law in the field of transport, provides for a decision to introduce vaccination certificates".

Do you feel the difference? According to Volodin, citizens can relax - the bill "will be removed from consideration". If you follow the logic in the government and the Ministry of Transport, you should not relax, because "work on the document will continue". Moreover, "a decision has been made" on further elaboration".

Perhaps they just have a mess there. Perhaps - we are seeing reflections of the supporters of tough measures and their opponents, who are in a hurry to drag the public into their showdown. Knowing approximately how everything is arranged there, I do not exclude, however, a third option.

Volodin hastened to announce the adopted method of solving, thus earning political points (in the comments to his post, enthusiastic citizens already write: "Volodin for the presidency!"). And the jealous Kremlin decided to spoil his mass by instructing the public relations specialists of the White House and the Ministry of Transport to abandon alternative options. In general, the lords are fighting, but the forelocks of the slaves are cracking..."