Posted 6 января 2022,, 10:54

Published 6 января 2022,, 10:54

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Alma-Ata protesters ransacked offices of five TV channels

6 января 2022, 10:54
Participants in the riots in Almaty attacked the offices of five TV channels. The buildings of the MIR, Kazakhstan, Khabar, Eurasia and CPC canals were attacked.

According to Interfax, citing data from the Khabar 24 state channel, one employee of the Kazakhstan TV channel was injured during the attack.

Protests in Kazakhstan, which began as a reaction to a sharp increase in fuel prices in the west of the country, have continued since January 2. They have already covered the entire republic, and the economic demands of the protesters have grown into political ones. Thus, the participants in the speeches demanded the resignation of the former President of the country Nursultan Nazarbayev from the leading post of the head of the Security Council. Outraged by the imposed cult of Nazarbayev's personality, they demolished a monument dedicated to him.

During the clashes between the protesters and the security forces, more than 1,000 people have already been injured, and about 400 have been hospitalized. The death toll of security officials rose to 13. There are victims among the protesters: last night the police opened fire on them to kill, the Interior Ministry reported "dozens" of those killed.

On the morning of January 5, Kazakh President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev declared a state of emergency and dismissed the government. He also stripped Nazarbayev of his post. At the same time, Tokayev turned to the CSTO with an application for military assistance, stating a "terrorist threat from the outside" and the need to fight the "marauders".

Russia responded to the call and sent to Kazakhstan as peacekeepers serving Airborne. This aroused the indignation of representatives of the Congress of the intelligentsia.

“Peacemakers is a great word. “Peacekeepers are cleaning the cities of fraternal Kazakhstan from marauders”. We must continue to use it more often. “Peacekeepers stop marauding schoolchildren on the streets of Moscow and St. Petersburg”. “The peacemaker with a special technique‚ leg-belly 'neutralized the marauding old woman”. “The peacekeepers are putting things in order in the strict regime colony”, - commented human rights activist Olga Romanova.