Posted 6 января 2022,, 10:34

Published 6 января 2022,, 10:34

Modified 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Updated 24 декабря 2022,, 22:37

Ministry of Health of Kazakhstan: more than 1000 people were injured in street riots

6 января 2022, 10:34
Over a thousand people were injured as a result of the riots in Kazakhstan, of which about 400 were hospitalized, the republican Ministry of Health reports. As reported by the Khabar-24 TV channel with reference to the data of the department, 62 people are in intensive care.

As the TV channel "Khabar-24" reports with reference to the data of the department, 62 people are in intensive care.

In total, about 1000 people were injured in the country, about 400 were hospitalized, RBC reports.

Local media note that 12 law enforcement officers were killed in clashes with protesters in Alma-Ata, and another 353 employees were injured. One man was beheaded.

On the morning of January 6, the Ministry of Internal Affairs reported that during the storming of administrative buildings in the city and its environs, dozens of participants in the riots were killed.

The security forces opened fire on protesters who were trying to seize administrative buildings, including the premises of the Almaty police department.

Mass protests in the republic began due to a two-fold increase in energy prices. The riots spread to several regions of the country and escalated into pogroms. Protesters knocked down a monument to ex-President Nazarbayev and demanded his resignation from the post of head of the republic’s Security Council.

President Tokayev introduced a state of emergency in the republic and announced the start of an anti-terrorist operation. On January 5, Tokayev dismissed ex-President Nursultan Nazarbayev as head of the Security Council of the republic, which was demanded by the protesters, and also dismissed the government.

In response to Tokayev's appeal to Kazakhstan with a peacekeeping mission, troops of the CSTO member countries went.

Among them are Russian paratroopers. The video of the dispatch of the Russian military was disseminated by telegram channels.