1. We need to admit: yes, we got into a bind that turned out to be much worse than we were ready for. We must admit this. To discard the illusions that arise due to the fact that we still remember how it was then ... The light of the star that came out of the star many years ago, here we are all in it ... Guys, the star now emits a different light.
2. We must prepare for the fact that the way out of this situation will be very long. Be patient, okay? There will be a way out, but only through turbulence.
3. It is necessary to support the population. Do not make hard financial pressure: someone did not repay the loan on time, which means that we are withdrawing their housing, and so on. In no case!
I remember the 1990s, what happened when the country was imprisoned for lack of money. Barter was everywhere, it was terrible. It was a disaster. In the 1990s, GDP fell by 20 to 30% from scratch. Just because they took and removed the cash, removed the money and started bludgeoning everyone. No way (you can't go back to this).
We need to support the people. It is necessary to subsidize mortgages so that they are not so rigid and strong. To support the weakened segments of the population, those who cannot take care of themselves. We must do it. Business needs to index salaries faster, be sure to look at the food package, the consumer package, in order to support people.
4. The government should now avoid drastic measures, as they are used to. Grandmas in the budget are over - go milk the business. In this sense, the government is already taking measures, Mishustin announced that small businesses will have a moratorium on tax audits and so on, the main thing is that this should not remain on paper, in short; for all these things to be realized. If now the weakened business is still shaking... Guys, it was shaken out during the covid times, and now, if they sat down to shake it up, then there will be nothing left at all. Therefore, it is necessary to be very careful and careful...
5. We will all have to seriously change the way we live. Well, we already realized that the way we used to live, it brought us here. If we want to end up in such an asshole every time and then crawl out of it... Listen, our children, our grandchildren will be like this ... But this is not what we want. People leave, people do not feel belonging, they lived like temporary workers: we will temporarily stay, and then we will dump sometime. And now, when difficulties come - it's time to bring down.
We will have to rethink a lot. How do we live, with whom do we live, who commands what, who commands us? Or maybe we ourselves should command our own life, take it into our hands... Our responsibility, our hands, our building materials, ourselves, everything. And I would like everyone to participate in this.
It's none of my business - it won't work anymore. You can't sit still, you can't. Many of us, in general, tried to apply it. But, you see, where we are... Everyone is rebuilding his life. Everyone builds around himself the kind of life he wants. Perhaps now is the time to accept, tune in and build the kind of country we really want.”
You can watch Igor Rybakov's video in its entirety here .